On 2014/04/02 23:50:08, cmang wrote: > Hello mailto:iant@golang.org (cc: mailto:gofrontend-dev@googlegroups.com), > > I'd like you ...
10 years, 12 months ago
(2014-04-02 23:51:38 UTC)
On 2014/04/02 23:50:08, cmang wrote:
> Hello mailto:iant@golang.org (cc: mailto:gofrontend-dev@googlegroups.com),
> I'd like you to review this change to
> https://code.google.com/p/gofrontend
Diff of gcc/go/go-gcc.cc:
Index: gcc/go/go-gcc.cc
--- a/gcc/go/go-gcc.cc
+++ b/gcc/go/go-gcc.cc
@@ -406,6 +406,14 @@ class Gcc_backend : public Backend
function_defer_statement(Bfunction* function, Bexpression* undefer,
Bexpression* defer, Location);
+ void
+ function_set_parameters(Bfunction* function, const std::vector<Bvariable*>&);
+ void
+ function_set_body(Bfunction* function, Bblock* code_block, Bblock* var_block,
+ Bstatement* var_init, Bstatement* except_stmt,
+ Bstatement* finally_stmt, Location);
// Make a Bexpression from a tree.
@@ -2427,6 +2435,85 @@ Gcc_backend::function_defer_statement(Bfunction*
function, Bexpression* undefer,
return this->make_statement(stmt_list);
+// Set the parameters of a function FUNCTION to the PARAM_VARS created
+// when building the function.
+Gcc_backend::function_set_parameters(Bfunction* function,
+ const std::vector<Bvariable*>& param_vars)
+ tree func_tree = function->get_tree();
+ if (func_tree == error_mark_node)
+ return;
+ tree params = NULL_TREE;
+ tree *pp = ¶ms;
+ for (std::vector<Bvariable*>::const_iterator pv = param_vars.begin();
+ pv != param_vars.end();
+ ++pv)
+ {
+ *pp = (*pv)->get_tree();
+ gcc_assert(*pp != error_mark_node);
+ pp = &DECL_CHAIN(*pp);
+ }
+ *pp = NULL_TREE;
+ DECL_ARGUMENTS(func_tree) = params;
+// Set the function body for FUNCTION using the code in CODE_BLOCK. Variables
+// that must be declared in this function will be declared in VAR_BLOCK and
+// initialized by the VAR_INIT statement. If VAR_BLOCK is NULL, VAR_INIT
+// is a no-op. If this function has a defer stack, the body will contain an
+// EXCEPT_STMT and FINALLY_STMT to handle the defer.
+// The body of the function should be of this form in C++:
+// try { CODE_BLOCK; } catch { EXCEPT_STMT; } finally { FINALLY_STMT }
+Gcc_backend::function_set_body(Bfunction* function, Bblock* code_block,
+ Bblock* var_block, Bstatement* var_init,
+ Bstatement* except_stmt,
+ Bstatement* finally_stmt, Location location)
+ tree func_tree = function->get_tree();
+ tree code = code_block->get_tree();
+ tree var_decls = var_block == NULL ? NULL_TREE : var_block->get_tree();
+ tree var_init_tree = var_init->get_tree();
+ tree except_tree = except_stmt == NULL ? NULL_TREE : except_stmt->get_tree();
+ tree finally_tree = finally_stmt == NULL
+ : finally_stmt->get_tree();
+ if (func_tree == error_mark_node)
+ return;
+ if (code != NULL_TREE && code != error_mark_node)
+ {
+ if (var_init_tree != NULL_TREE && var_init_tree != error_mark_node)
+ code = build2_loc(location.gcc_location(), COMPOUND_EXPR,
+ void_type_node, var_init_tree, code);
+ if (except_tree != NULL_TREE && except_tree != error_mark_node)
+ code = build2_loc(location.gcc_location(), TRY_CATCH_EXPR,
+ void_type_node, code,
+ build2_loc(location.gcc_location(), CATCH_EXPR,
+ void_type_node, NULL, except_tree));
+ if (finally_tree != NULL_TREE && finally_tree != error_mark_node)
+ code = build2_loc(location.gcc_location(), TRY_FINALLY_EXPR,
+ void_type_node, code, finally_tree);
+ }
+ // Stick the code into the block we built for the receiver, if
+ // we built one.
+ if (var_decls != NULL_TREE && code != NULL_TREE && code != error_mark_node)
+ {
+ BIND_EXPR_BODY(var_decls) = code;
+ code = var_decls;
+ }
+ DECL_SAVED_TREE(func_tree) = code;
// The single backend.
static Gcc_backend gcc_backend;
https://codereview.appspot.com/83750044/diff/110001/go/backend.h File go/backend.h (right): https://codereview.appspot.com/83750044/diff/110001/go/backend.h#newcode630 go/backend.h:630: // Set the parameters of a function FUNCTION to ...
10 years, 12 months ago
(2014-04-03 00:05:43 UTC)
File go/backend.h (right):
go/backend.h:630: // Set the parameters of a function FUNCTION to the PARAM_VARS
Change the return type to bool, so that it returns true on success, false on
I think the comment should be more like:
Record PARAM_VARS as the variables to use for the parameters of FUNCTION. This
will only be called for a function definition (IS_DECLARATION passed as false
when Backend::function was called).
go/backend.h:638: // initialized by the VAR_INIT statement. If VAR_BLOCK is
This doesn't quite make sense to me. I would expect a function to have only one
block. And I would expect that statements that refer to a variable would be
within the block that defines that variable. So why do we have both code_block
and var_block? And why isn't var_init part of var_block?
I added a new backend statement, exception_handler_statement, which made it easier to separate concerns in ...
10 years, 11 months ago
(2014-04-03 20:38:51 UTC)
I added a new backend statement, exception_handler_statement, which made it
easier to separate concerns in function_set_body. PTAL.
Diff of gcc/go/go-gcc:
Index: gcc/go/go-gcc.cc
--- a/gcc/go/go-gcc.cc
+++ b/gcc/go/go-gcc.cc
@@ -324,6 +324,10 @@ class Gcc_backend : public Backend
statement_list(const std::vector<Bstatement*>&);
+ Bstatement*
+ exception_handler_statement(Bstatement* bstat, Bstatement* except_stmt,
+ Bstatement* finally_stmt, Location);
// Blocks.
@@ -406,6 +410,12 @@ class Gcc_backend : public Backend
function_defer_statement(Bfunction* function, Bexpression* undefer,
Bexpression* defer, Location);
+ bool
+ function_set_parameters(Bfunction* function, const std::vector<Bvariable*>&);
+ bool
+ function_set_body(Bfunction* function, Bstatement* code_stmt);
// Make a Bexpression from a tree.
@@ -1727,6 +1737,40 @@ Gcc_backend::return_statement(Bfunction* bfunction,
return this->make_statement(ret);
+// Create a statement that attempts to execute BSTAT and calls EXCEPT_STMT if
+// error occurs. EXCEPT_STMT may be NULL. FINALLY_STMT may be NULL and if not
+// NULL, it will always be executed. This is used for handling defers in Go
+// functions. In C++, the resulting code is of this form:
+// try { BSTAT; } catch { EXCEPT_STMT; } finally { FINALLY_STMT; }
+Gcc_backend::exception_handler_statement(Bstatement* bstat,
+ Bstatement* except_stmt,
+ Bstatement* finally_stmt,
+ Location location)
+ tree stat_tree = bstat->get_tree();
+ tree except_tree = except_stmt == NULL ? NULL_TREE : except_stmt->get_tree();
+ tree finally_tree = finally_stmt == NULL
+ : finally_stmt->get_tree();
+ if (stat_tree == error_mark_node
+ || except_tree == error_mark_node
+ || finally_tree == error_mark_node)
+ return this->error_statement();
+ if (except_tree != NULL_TREE)
+ stat_tree = build2_loc(location.gcc_location(), TRY_CATCH_EXPR,
+ void_type_node, stat_tree,
+ build2_loc(location.gcc_location(), CATCH_EXPR,
+ void_type_node, NULL, except_tree));
+ if (finally_tree != NULL_TREE)
+ stat_tree = build2_loc(location.gcc_location(), TRY_FINALLY_EXPR,
+ void_type_node, stat_tree, finally_tree);
+ return this->make_statement(stat_tree);
// If.
@@ -2427,6 +2471,46 @@ Gcc_backend::function_defer_statement(Bfunction*
function, Bexpression* undefer,
return this->make_statement(stmt_list);
+// Record PARAM_VARS as the variables to use for the parameters of FUNCTION.
+// This will only be called for a function definition.
+Gcc_backend::function_set_parameters(Bfunction* function,
+ const std::vector<Bvariable*>& param_vars)
+ tree func_tree = function->get_tree();
+ if (func_tree == error_mark_node)
+ return false;
+ tree params = NULL_TREE;
+ tree *pp = ¶ms;
+ for (std::vector<Bvariable*>::const_iterator pv = param_vars.begin();
+ pv != param_vars.end();
+ ++pv)
+ {
+ *pp = (*pv)->get_tree();
+ gcc_assert(*pp != error_mark_node);
+ pp = &DECL_CHAIN(*pp);
+ }
+ *pp = NULL_TREE;
+ DECL_ARGUMENTS(func_tree) = params;
+ return true;
+// Set the function body for FUNCTION using the code in CODE_BLOCK.
+Gcc_backend::function_set_body(Bfunction* function, Bstatement* code_stmt)
+ tree func_tree = function->get_tree();
+ tree code = code_stmt->get_tree();
+ if (func_tree == error_mark_node || code == error_mark_node)
+ return false;
+ DECL_SAVED_TREE(func_tree) = code;
+ return true;
// The single backend.
static Gcc_backend gcc_backend;
File go/backend.h (right):
go/backend.h:630: // Set the parameters of a function FUNCTION to the PARAM_VARS
On 2014/04/03 00:05:43, iant wrote:
> Change the return type to bool, so that it returns true on success, false on
> failure.
> I think the comment should be more like:
> Record PARAM_VARS as the variables to use for the parameters of FUNCTION.
> will only be called for a function definition (IS_DECLARATION passed as false
> when Backend::function was called).
go/backend.h:638: // initialized by the VAR_INIT statement. If VAR_BLOCK is
On 2014/04/03 00:05:43, iant wrote:
> This doesn't quite make sense to me. I would expect a function to have only
> block. And I would expect that statements that refer to a variable would be
> within the block that defines that variable. So why do we have both
> and var_block? And why isn't var_init part of var_block?
This doesn't make any sense because this function is trying to do too much work
that isn't related to actually setting the code of the function body.
*** Submitted as https://code.google.com/p/gofrontend/source/detail?r=d59c79a574bc *** compiler: Use backend interface to build function code. R=iant CC=gofrontend-dev ...
10 years, 11 months ago
(2014-04-04 02:56:10 UTC)
Issue 83750044: code review 83750044: compiler: Use backend interface to build function code.
Created 10 years, 12 months ago by cmang
Modified 10 years, 11 months ago
Base URL:
Comments: 10