Is there a useful unittest for this? (not sure) Can you add a dump of ...
11 years, 10 months ago
(2013-03-18 17:25:39 UTC)
Is there a useful unittest for this? (not sure)
Can you add a dump of the results to the CL (so we can at least see that the
toString functions returned something useful-looking)?
These methods are used by the debugger to display the paint details for a command. ...
11 years, 10 months ago
(2013-03-18 17:50:20 UTC)
These methods are used by the debugger to display the paint details for a
command. I test them out by dumping the GMs to skps and looking for examples in
the captured and GM skps. Here are some samples:
SkBlurMaskFilterImpl: (radius: 1 style: normal flags: (HighQuality))
SkBlurMaskFilterImpl: (radius: 5 style: normal flags:
SkStippleMaskFilter: ()
SkEmbossMaskFilter: (direction: (0.57735026, 0.57735026, 0.57735026) ambient:
64 specular: 64 blurRadius: 3)
Note that the table, kernel33, dark and reduceNoise mask filters don't appear in
either the captured skps or the gms.
Issue 7889043: Added toString to SkMaskFilter-derived classes
Created 11 years, 10 months ago by robertphillips
Modified 11 years, 10 months ago
Reviewers: DerekS, reed1
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