DescriptionIT LIVES (er, the Uniter, that is)
* installation (not really resumable, except by luck)
* install, start, config-changed hooks
* error resolution of same, and resuming in the right place
* response to further service config changes when in ModeStarted
* slightly too many testing types, that will be used imminently for
followup branches, and which I am therefore reluctant to delete now
Not Featuring:
* upgrades/conflict resolution
* relations
* anything to do with lifecycles
(do not edit description out of merge proposal)
Patch Set 1 #
Total comments: 20
Patch Set 2 : IT LIVES (er, the Uniter, that is) #Patch Set 3 : IT LIVES (er, the Uniter, that is) #
Total comments: 14
Patch Set 4 : IT LIVES (er, the Uniter, that is) #
MessagesTotal messages: 6