Descriptionadd unitRelationWatcher/unitRelationChange types
In python, we track settings node version rather than settings node content
as we do here. This has been changed because we want to be able to run hooks
in the contexts that caused those specific hooks to run -- including
settings for all relation members at that point in time; and this
consequently frees us from having to worry about what happens when a hook
tries to get the settings of a unit relation that *was* joined when the
hook was executed but has subsequently been deleted. It's also beneficial
in that it only communicates changes when the actual content has changed,
rather than every time the node is written.
Note that it will still be perectly possible to implement a hook scheduler
that collapses multiple queued events from the same unit, as is done in
python, so we shouldn't be in danger of needing to store a ridiculous excess
of historical events.
(do not edit description out of merge proposal)
Patch Set 1 #
Total comments: 24
Patch Set 2 : add unitRelationWatcher/unitRelationChange types #
Total comments: 18
Patch Set 3 : add unitRelationWatcher/unitRelationChange types #Patch Set 4 : add unitRelationWatcher/unitRelationChange types #
MessagesTotal messages: 6