Hi Nick, I worked on changing the default behavior of an HTTP request. Num of ...
11 years, 6 months ago
(2013-08-06 21:42:57 UTC)
Hi Nick,
I worked on changing the default behavior of an HTTP request.
Num of tries was changed to 3, BackOffHandler maximum timespan was changed to 5
(meaning that after it will generated ~1, ~2, ~4 numbers, it will stop because
the next number is ~8 which is bigger than 5)
Exponential back-off is enabled by default to 503 status codes and not for any
5xx or exceptions.
Let me know your thoughts.
What's the client library's current default behavior for backoff? Is it enabled or disabled? The ...
11 years, 6 months ago
(2013-08-13 19:31:26 UTC)
What's the client library's current default behavior for backoff? Is it enabled
or disabled? The standard for the other languages seems to be "disabled".
In addition, if it is enabled, is there a default scheme? That should be
exponential, with a rate of 2^x (1,2,4,8) at a limit of 3 tries?
Just want to confirm that information.
File Src/GoogleApis.Tests/Apis/Requests/ClientServiceRequestTest.cs (right):
Src/GoogleApis.Tests/Apis/Requests/ClientServiceRequestTest.cs:541: // So we
should make minimum of (lg(5) + 1 calls and
service.HttpClient.MessageHandler.NumTries tries)
This is a test with consistent, predictable behavior, so I don't see the point
of the formula here. You know which will come first, the 3 calls or the 5
seconds, so please be explicit in the comments. Rather than "it should do X or
Y", say "it will do X".
Src/GoogleApis.Tests/Apis/Requests/ClientServiceRequestTest.cs:570: /// several
retries (up to 5 seconds for a single request or 3 tries in total).
Same as above. This comment is far less confusing, but there still is no reason
why the reader should have to guess. Which will come first, the 3 tries limit or
the 5 seconds?
Src/GoogleApis.Tests/Apis/Requests/ClientServiceRequestTest.cs:601: // So we
should make minimum of (lg(5) + 1 calls and
service.HttpClient.MessageHandler.NumTries tries)
Ditto, confusing comment.
File Src/GoogleApis.Tests/Apis/Utils/ExponentialBackOffTest.cs (right):
Src/GoogleApis.Tests/Apis/Utils/ExponentialBackOffTest.cs:126: /// <summary> An
helper test for testing the <c>GetNextBackOff</c> logic. </summary>
A helper, not "an" :)
The default behavior is to have 3 tries maximum (when exponential back-off is enable by ...
11 years, 6 months ago
(2013-08-13 21:46:19 UTC)
The default behavior is to have 3 tries maximum (when exponential back-off is
enable by default for 503 errors)
Notice that when pulling latest changes a lot of files were changed (so if you
need my help in the review let me know)
File Src/GoogleApis.Tests/Apis/Requests/ClientServiceRequestTest.cs (right):
Src/GoogleApis.Tests/Apis/Requests/ClientServiceRequestTest.cs:541: // So we
should make minimum of (lg(5) + 1 calls and
service.HttpClient.MessageHandler.NumTries tries)
On 2013/08/13 19:31:26, ngmiceli wrote:
> This is a test with consistent, predictable behavior, so I don't see the point
> of the formula here. You know which will come first, the 3 calls or the 5
> seconds, so please be explicit in the comments. Rather than "it should do X or
> Y", say "it will do X".
Src/GoogleApis.Tests/Apis/Requests/ClientServiceRequestTest.cs:570: /// several
retries (up to 5 seconds for a single request or 3 tries in total).
On 2013/08/13 19:31:26, ngmiceli wrote:
> Same as above. This comment is far less confusing, but there still is no
> why the reader should have to guess. Which will come first, the 3 tries limit
> the 5 seconds?
Src/GoogleApis.Tests/Apis/Requests/ClientServiceRequestTest.cs:601: // So we
should make minimum of (lg(5) + 1 calls and
service.HttpClient.MessageHandler.NumTries tries)
On 2013/08/13 19:31:26, ngmiceli wrote:
> Ditto, confusing comment.
File Src/GoogleApis.Tests/Apis/Utils/ExponentialBackOffTest.cs (right):
Src/GoogleApis.Tests/Apis/Utils/ExponentialBackOffTest.cs:126: /// <summary> An
helper test for testing the <c>GetNextBackOff</c> logic. </summary>
On 2013/08/13 19:31:26, ngmiceli wrote:
> A helper, not "an" :)
Issue 12566043: Issue 369: Change default behavior of an HTTP request
Created 11 years, 6 months ago by peleyal
Modified 11 years, 6 months ago
Reviewers: ngmiceli
Base URL: https://google-api-dotnet-client.googlecode.com/hg/
Comments: 8