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Side by Side Diff: src/pkg/json/struct_test.go

Issue 953041: code review 953041: json: Marshal, Unmarshal using new scanner (Closed)
Patch Set: code review 953041: json: Marshal, Unmarshal using new scanner Created 14 years, 11 months ago
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1 // Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
5 package json
7 import (
8 "bytes"
9 "reflect"
10 "strconv"
11 "testing"
12 )
14 type myStruct struct {
15 T bool
16 F bool
17 S string
18 I8 int8
19 I16 int16
20 I32 int32
21 I64 int64
22 U8 uint8
23 U16 uint16
24 U32 uint32
25 U64 uint64
26 I int
27 U uint
28 Fl float
29 Fl32 float32
30 Fl64 float64
31 A []string
32 My *myStruct
33 Map map[string][]int
34 MapStruct map[string]myStruct
35 MapPtrStruct map[string]*myStruct
36 }
38 const encoded = `{"t":true,"f":false,"s":"abc","i8":1,"i16":2,"i32":3,"i64":4,` +
39 ` "u8":5,"u16":6,"u32":7,"u64":8,` +
40 ` "i":-9,"u":10,"bogusfield":"should be ignored",` +
41 ` "fl":11.5,"fl32":12.25,"fl64":13.75,` +
42 ` "a":["x","y","z"],"my":{"s":"subguy"},` +
43 `"map":{"k1":[1,2,3],"k2":[],"k3":[3,4]},` +
44 `"mapstruct":{"m1":{"u8":8}},` +
45 `"mapptrstruct":{"m1":{"u8":8}}}`
47 var decodedMap = map[string][]int{
48 "k1": []int{1, 2, 3},
49 "k2": []int{},
50 "k3": []int{3, 4},
51 }
53 var decodedMapStruct = map[string]myStruct{
54 "m1": myStruct{U8: 8},
55 }
57 var decodedMapPtrStruct = map[string]*myStruct{
58 "m1": &myStruct{U8: 8},
59 }
61 func check(t *testing.T, ok bool, name string, v interface{}) {
62 if !ok {
63 t.Errorf("%s = %v (BAD)", name, v)
64 } else {
65 t.Logf("%s = %v (good)", name, v)
66 }
67 }
69 const whiteSpaceEncoded = " \t{\n\"s\"\r:\"string\"\v}"
71 func TestUnmarshalWhitespace(t *testing.T) {
72 var m myStruct
73 ok, errtok := Unmarshal(whiteSpaceEncoded, &m)
74 if !ok {
75 t.Fatalf("Unmarshal failed near %s", errtok)
76 }
77 check(t, m.S == "string", "string", m.S)
78 }
80 func TestUnmarshal(t *testing.T) {
81 var m myStruct
82 m.F = true
83 ok, errtok := Unmarshal(encoded, &m)
84 if !ok {
85 t.Fatalf("Unmarshal failed near %s", errtok)
86 }
87 check(t, m.T == true, "t", m.T)
88 check(t, m.F == false, "f", m.F)
89 check(t, m.S == "abc", "s", m.S)
90 check(t, m.I8 == 1, "i8", m.I8)
91 check(t, m.I16 == 2, "i16", m.I16)
92 check(t, m.I32 == 3, "i32", m.I32)
93 check(t, m.I64 == 4, "i64", m.I64)
94 check(t, m.U8 == 5, "u8", m.U8)
95 check(t, m.U16 == 6, "u16", m.U16)
96 check(t, m.U32 == 7, "u32", m.U32)
97 check(t, m.U64 == 8, "u64", m.U64)
98 check(t, m.I == -9, "i", m.I)
99 check(t, m.U == 10, "u", m.U)
100 check(t, m.Fl == 11.5, "fl", m.Fl)
101 check(t, m.Fl32 == 12.25, "fl32", m.Fl32)
102 check(t, m.Fl64 == 13.75, "fl64", m.Fl64)
103 check(t, m.A != nil, "a", m.A)
104 if m.A != nil {
105 check(t, m.A[0] == "x", "a[0]", m.A[0])
106 check(t, m.A[1] == "y", "a[1]", m.A[1])
107 check(t, m.A[2] == "z", "a[2]", m.A[2])
108 }
109 check(t, m.My != nil, "my", m.My)
110 if m.My != nil {
111 check(t, m.My.S == "subguy", "my.s", m.My.S)
112 }
113 check(t, reflect.DeepEqual(m.Map, decodedMap), "map", m.Map)
114 check(t, reflect.DeepEqual(m.MapStruct, decodedMapStruct), "mapstruct", m.MapStruct)
115 check(t, reflect.DeepEqual(m.MapPtrStruct, decodedMapPtrStruct), "mapptr struct", m.MapPtrStruct)
116 }
118 type Issue147Text struct {
119 Text string
120 }
122 type Issue147 struct {
123 Test []Issue147Text
124 }
126 const issue147Input = `{"test": [{"text":"0"},{"text":"1"},{"text":"2"},
127 {"text":"3"},{"text":"4"},{"text":"5"},
128 {"text":"6"},{"text":"7"},{"text":"8"},
129 {"text":"9"},{"text":"10"},{"text":"11"},
130 {"text":"12"},{"text":"13"},{"text":"14"},
131 {"text":"15"},{"text":"16"},{"text":"17"},
132 {"text":"18"},{"text":"19"},{"text":"20"},
133 {"text":"21"},{"text":"22"},{"text":"23"},
134 {"text":"24"},{"text":"25"},{"text":"26"},
135 {"text":"27"},{"text":"28"},{"text":"29"}]}`
137 func TestIssue147(t *testing.T) {
138 var timeline Issue147
139 Unmarshal(issue147Input, &timeline)
141 if len(timeline.Test) != 30 {
142 t.Errorf("wrong length: got %d want 30", len(timeline.Test))
143 }
145 for i, e := range timeline.Test {
146 if e.Text != strconv.Itoa(i) {
147 t.Errorf("index: %d got: %s want: %d", i, e.Text, i)
148 }
149 }
150 }
152 type Issue114 struct {
153 Text string
154 }
156 const issue114Input = `[{"text" : "0"}, {"text" : "1"}, {"text" : "2"}, {"text" : "3"}]`
158 func TestIssue114(t *testing.T) {
159 var items []Issue114
160 Unmarshal(issue114Input, &items)
162 if len(items) != 4 {
163 t.Errorf("wrong length: got %d want 4", len(items))
164 }
166 for i, e := range items {
167 if e.Text != strconv.Itoa(i) {
168 t.Errorf("index: %d got: %s want: %d", i, e.Text, i)
169 }
170 }
171 }
173 type marshalTest struct {
174 val interface{}
175 out string
176 }
178 type MTE string
180 type OneField struct {
181 a int
182 }
184 type ScalarWithString int
186 const (
187 AA ScalarWithString = iota
188 BB
189 CC
190 )
192 var scalarStrings = []string{"AA", "BB", "CC"}
194 func (x ScalarWithString) String() string { return scalarStrings[x] }
196 var marshalTests = []marshalTest{
197 // basic string
198 marshalTest{nil, "null"},
199 marshalTest{true, "true"},
200 marshalTest{false, "false"},
201 marshalTest{123, "123"},
202 marshalTest{0.1, "0.1"},
203 marshalTest{1e-10, "1e-10"},
204 marshalTest{"teststring", `"teststring"`},
205 marshalTest{[4]int{1, 2, 3, 4}, "[1,2,3,4]"},
206 marshalTest{[]int{1, 2, 3, 4}, "[1,2,3,4]"},
207 marshalTest{[]interface{}{nil}, "[null]"},
208 marshalTest{[][]int{[]int{1, 2}, []int{3, 4}}, "[[1,2],[3,4]]"},
209 marshalTest{map[string]string{"one": "one"}, `{"one":"one"}`},
210 marshalTest{map[string]int{"one": 1}, `{"one":1}`},
211 marshalTest{map[string]interface{}{"null": nil}, `{"null":null}`},
212 marshalTest{struct{}{}, "{}"},
213 marshalTest{struct{ a int }{1}, `{"a":1}`},
214 marshalTest{struct{ a interface{} }{nil}, `{"a":null}`},
215 marshalTest{struct {
216 a int
217 b string
218 }{1, "hello"},
219 `{"a":1,"b":"hello"}`,
220 },
221 marshalTest{map[string][]int{"3": []int{1, 2, 3}}, `{"3":[1,2,3]}`},
222 marshalTest{map[string]*MTE{"hi": nil}, `{"hi":null}`},
223 marshalTest{map[string]interface{}{"hi": 3}, `{"hi":3}`},
224 marshalTest{&OneField{3}, `{"a":3}`},
225 marshalTest{"\x05\x06", `"\u0005\u0006"`},
226 marshalTest{uintptr(50000), "50000"},
227 marshalTest{uint64(50000), "50000"},
228 marshalTest{uint32(50000), "50000"},
229 marshalTest{uint16(50000), "50000"},
230 marshalTest{uint8(50), "50"},
231 marshalTest{int64(50000), "50000"},
232 marshalTest{int32(50000), "50000"},
233 marshalTest{int16(10000), "10000"},
234 marshalTest{int8(50), "50"},
235 marshalTest{BB, "1"},
236 }
238 func TestMarshal(t *testing.T) {
239 for _, tt := range marshalTests {
240 var buf bytes.Buffer
242 err := Marshal(&buf, tt.val)
243 if err != nil {
244 t.Fatalf("Marshal(%T): %s", tt.val, err)
245 }
247 s := buf.String()
248 if s != tt.out {
249 t.Errorf("Marshal(%T) = %q, want %q\n", tt.val, s, tt.ou t)
250 }
251 }
252 }
254 type marshalIndentTest struct {
255 val interface{}
256 indent string
257 out string
258 }
260 const marshalIndentTest1 = `[
261 1,
262 2,
263 3,
264 4
265 ]
266 `
267 const marshalIndentTest2 = `[
268 [
269 1,
270 2
271 ],
272 [
273 3,
274 4
275 ]
276 ]
277 `
278 const marshalIndentTest3 = `[
279 [
280 1,
281 2
282 ],
283 [
284 3,
285 4
286 ]
287 ]
288 `
289 const marshalIndentTest4 = `[
290 [
291 1,
292 2
293 ],
294 [
295 3,
296 4
297 ]
298 ]
299 `
300 const marshalIndentTest5 = `{
301 "a":1,
302 "b":"hello"
303 }
304 `
305 const marshalIndentTest6 = `{
306 "3":[
307 1,
308 2,
309 3
310 ]
311 }
312 `
314 var marshalIndentTests = []marshalIndentTest{
315 marshalIndentTest{[]int{1, 2, 3, 4}, " ", marshalIndentTest1},
316 marshalIndentTest{[][]int{[]int{1, 2}, []int{3, 4}}, "", marshalIndentTe st2},
317 marshalIndentTest{[][]int{[]int{1, 2}, []int{3, 4}}, " ", marshalIndentT est3},
318 marshalIndentTest{[][]int{[]int{1, 2}, []int{3, 4}}, " ", marshalIndent Test4},
319 marshalIndentTest{struct {
320 a int
321 b string
322 }{1, "hello"},
323 " ",
324 marshalIndentTest5,
325 },
326 marshalIndentTest{map[string][]int{"3": []int{1, 2, 3}}, " ", marshalInd entTest6},
327 }
329 func TestMarshalIndent(t *testing.T) {
330 for _, tt := range marshalIndentTests {
331 var buf bytes.Buffer
333 err := MarshalIndent(&buf, tt.val, tt.indent)
334 if err != nil {
335 t.Fatalf("MarshalIndent(%v): %s", tt.val, err)
336 }
338 s := buf.String()
339 if s != tt.out {
340 t.Errorf("MarshalIndent(%v) = %q, want %q\n", tt.val, s, tt.out)
341 }
342 }
343 }
345 type marshalErrorTest struct {
346 val interface{}
347 error string
348 }
350 type ChanVal struct {
351 C chan int
352 }
354 var marshalErrorTests = []marshalErrorTest{
355 marshalErrorTest{map[chan int]string{make(chan int): "one"}, "json canno t encode value of type map[chan int] string"},
356 marshalErrorTest{make(chan int, 100), "json cannot encode value of type chan int"},
357 marshalErrorTest{new(ChanVal), "json cannot encode value of type chan in t"},
358 }
360 func TestMarshalError(t *testing.T) {
361 for _, tt := range marshalErrorTests {
362 var buf bytes.Buffer
364 err := Marshal(&buf, tt.val)
366 if err == nil {
367 t.Fatalf("Marshal(%T): no error, want error %s", tt.val, tt.error)
368 }
370 if err.String() != tt.error {
371 t.Fatalf("Marshal(%T) = error %s, want error %s", tt.val , err, tt.error)
372 }
374 }
375 }

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