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Issue 6815051: object_edit_linked addon review

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11 years, 5 months ago by ideasman42
10 years, 10 months ago
Fweeb, ideasman42, bf-codereview
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initial review of Jason van Gumster's library linking addon. http://codereview.appspot.com/6815051/diff/1/object_edit_linked.py File object_edit_linked.py (left): http://codereview.appspot.com/6815051/diff/1/object_edit_linked.py#oldcode44 object_edit_linked.py:44: ...
11 years, 5 months ago (2012-10-30 02:44:27 UTC) #1
10 years, 10 months ago (2013-06-24 17:46:04 UTC) #2
The add-on has changed a little bit since this review (contributions from Pablo
Vazquez and Bassam Kurdali), but all of the comments have been addressed and
committed to SVN.

There's a slight issue with Pablo's update (adds support for launching a second
Blender instance) in that it allows for nested links whereas the single-instance
option does not. I'm not sure about the best way to handle this. I don't think
that the linked file knows whether or not it's been opened in a new instance of
Blender or not.

File object_edit_linked.py (left):

object_edit_linked.py:44: if settings["linked_file"] in {bpy.data.filepath,
On 2012/10/30 02:44:27, ideasman42 wrote:
> no need to check bpy.path.abspath() here, filepaths are always absolute.
> Should however not compare strings likle this, use os.path.samefile().


object_edit_linked.py:48: bpy.data.objects[ob_name].select = True
On 2012/10/30 02:44:27, ideasman42 wrote:
> The object may not be in the active scene, maybe its OK to assume it is, but
> take care here.
> In this case selecting will just do nothing.
> Same with setting active - below.
> At least worth commenting here I think.

Added a comment. As a future revision, I can set the correct scene for the
linked object/group.

object_edit_linked.py:63: autosave = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name = "Autosave",
description = "Automatically save the current file before opening the linked
library", default = True)
On 2012/10/30 02:44:27, ideasman42 wrote:
> style: for blender addons we split these up into multiple lines.


object_edit_linked.py:63: autosave = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name = "Autosave",
description = "Automatically save the current file before opening the linked
library", default = True)
On 2012/10/30 02:44:27, ideasman42 wrote:
> If you don't auto-save, what happens? - loose your work? ... realize this is
> tricky, but have to take care the user doesn't leave this off by accident.
> This is one reason my addon that did this (which was far more primitive),
> attempt to manage the save/reload stuff, It just opened the library in another
> blend and let the user do the save/reload.

Without auto-save, losing work is exactly what happens. This is why it's enabled
by default. Since this initial code review Pablo Vazquez also added the ability
to launch a new instance of Blender as an additional option. That works as you
describe, but the single instance is still the default behavior.

object_edit_linked.py:75: settings["linked_objects"].extend([ob.name for ob in
On 2012/10/30 02:44:27, ideasman42 wrote:
> Its common to have an object show up multiple times in a dupli-group.
> Using a set will de-duplicate for you,
> [ob.name for ob in target.dupli_group.objects]
> can be a set...
> {ob.name for ob in target.dupli_group.objects}


object_edit_linked.py:105: autosave = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name = "Autosave",
description = "Automatically save the current file before opening original
file", default = True)
On 2012/10/30 02:44:27, ideasman42 wrote:
> style: split multi-line as before


object_edit_linked.py:109: # Probably the wrong context to check for here...
On 2012/10/30 02:44:27, ideasman42 wrote:
> poll probably doesnt make sense here, shouldnt poll() check if
> (settings["original_file"] != "") ?


object_edit_linked.py:137: kmi_edit.active = True
On 2012/10/30 02:44:27, ideasman42 wrote:
> enable/disable keymaps from within a draw function is not good, What happens
> the panel happens to be hidden and not draw?
> Best not enable disable during the duration of the addons operation, instead
> just always keep enabled, and have the operators they call fail to poll() on
> wrong context.
> - This is what is done in the rest of blender.

I wasn't aware that keymaps could be easily overloaded this way (also, I had a
really poor poll function for the Edit Linked operator. It now works correctly.

object_edit_linked.py:139: self.layout.operator("object.edit_linked").autosave =
On 2012/10/30 02:44:27, ideasman42 wrote:
> normally 'scene' is assigned a variable, instead of referecing 'context.scene'
> multiple times, these lookups take time and its nice to avoid too many,
> especially for draw functiuons.


object_edit_linked.py:178: kc = bpy.context.window_manager.keyconfigs.addon
On 2012/10/30 02:44:27, ideasman42 wrote:
> if the new 'km' is stored on registering, it can simply be removed, without
> removing its items, See keymap example (at the bottom):
> https://github.com/ideasman42/blender_addon_tutorial/blob/master/readme.rst

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