Descriptiontext/template: allow grouping of pipelines using parentheses
Based on work by Russ Cox. From his CL:
This is generally useful but especially helpful when trying
to use the built-in boolean operators. It lets you write:
{{if not (f 1)}} foo {{end}}
{{if and (f 1) (g 2)}} bar {{end}}
{{if or (f 1) (g 2)}} quux {{end}}
instead of
{{if f 1 | not}} foo {{end}}
{{if f 1}}{{if g 2}} bar {{end}}{{end}}
{{$do := 0}}{{if f 1}}{{$do := 1}}{{else if g 2}}{{$do := 1}}{{end}}{{if $do}} quux {{end}}
The result can be a bit LISPy but the benefit in expressiveness and readability
for such a small change justifies it.
I believe no changes are required to html/template.
Fixes issue 3276.
Patch Set 1 #Patch Set 2 : diff -r 93b44db58f94 #
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