Descriptionundo CL 6112054 / 2eec2501961c
Now that we've fixed the Expect: test, this CL should be okay.
««« original CL description
net/http: revert 97d027b3aa68
Revert the following change set:
changeset: 13018:97d027b3aa68
user: Gustavo Niemeyer <>
date: Mon Apr 23 22:00:16 2012 -0300
summary: net/http: allow clients to disable keep-alive
This broke a test on Windows 64 and somebody else
will have to check.
R=golang-dev, r
Fixes issue 3540.
Patch Set 1 #Patch Set 2 : diff -r 3f2c5993bbc3 #Patch Set 3 : diff -r 40104e4c312d #
MessagesTotal messages: 5