Hello golang-dev (cc: golang-dev@googlegroups.com), I'd like you to review this change to https://go.googlecode.com/hg/
LGTM http://codereview.appspot.com/4815063/diff/3001/src/cmd/cgo/doc.go File src/cmd/cgo/doc.go (right): http://codereview.appspot.com/4815063/diff/3001/src/cmd/cgo/doc.go#newcode78 src/cmd/cgo/doc.go:78: func C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer, C.int) []byte - C pointer, length to Go []byte I'd be happier if this wrapped properly. maybe use the form // C pointer, length to Go []byte func C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer, C.int)
*** Submitted as http://code.google.com/p/go/source/detail?r=e3cd47e9748d *** cgo: add GoBytes, fix gmp example Fixes issue 1640. Fixes issue 2007. R=golang-dev, adg CC=golang-dev http://codereview.appspot.com/4815063