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Issue 4662068: Alembic 1.0rc1, changes since 0.9.3

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13 years, 1 month ago by Mr. Bigpants Fancybutt - Esq.
5 years, 4 months ago
juma kituno bukoma
engr.sikandar.iqbal, Kitsenko, b.mont29, t-yuki

Patch Set 1 #

Unified diffs Side-by-side diffs Delta from patch set Stats (+5801 lines, -2715 lines) Patch
M CMakeLists.txt View 1 chunk +3 lines, -3 lines 0 comments Download
M build/AlembicBoost.cmake View 1 chunk +1 line, -0 lines 0 comments Download
M build/AlembicMaya.cmake View 5 chunks +66 lines, -65 lines 0 comments Download
M build/bootstrap/alembic_bootstrap.py View 9 chunks +24 lines, -24 lines 0 comments Download
M build/bootstrap/boost_trycompile/CMakeLists.txt View 2 chunks +3 lines, -3 lines 0 comments Download
M build/bootstrap/boost_trycompile/boost_trycompile.cpp View 2 chunks +8 lines, -26 lines 0 comments Download
M build/bootstrap/zlib_trycompile/zlib_trycompile.cpp View 3 chunks +5 lines, -3 lines 0 comments Download
M examples/bin/AbcEcho/AbcBoundsEcho.cpp View 1 chunk +7 lines, -4 lines 0 comments Download
M examples/bin/AbcEcho/CMakeLists.txt View 1 chunk +0 lines, -1 line 0 comments Download
A examples/bin/AbcEcho/multithreaded.cpp View 1 chunk +159 lines, -0 lines 0 comments Download
M examples/bin/SimpleAbcViewer/ICurvesDrw.h View 1 chunk +3 lines, -3 lines 0 comments Download
M examples/bin/SimpleAbcViewer/ICurvesDrw.cpp View 5 chunks +14 lines, -9 lines 0 comments Download
M examples/bin/SimpleAbcViewer/INuPatchDrw.cpp View 2 chunks +17 lines, -3 lines 0 comments Download
M examples/bin/SimpleAbcViewer/IPolyMeshDrw.cpp View 1 chunk +4 lines, -1 line 0 comments Download
M examples/bin/SimpleAbcViewer/ISubDDrw.cpp View 1 chunk +4 lines, -1 line 0 comments Download
M houdini/SOP_AlembicIn/Makefile.hcustom View 2 chunks +20 lines, -19 lines 0 comments Download
M houdini/SOP_AlembicIn/SOP_AlembicIn.cpp View 1 chunk +2 lines, -1 line 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/Abc/IArchive.h View 1 chunk +6 lines, -5 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/Abc/IArrayProperty.h View 1 chunk +5 lines, -1 line 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/Abc/IArrayProperty.cpp View 3 chunks +17 lines, -3 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/Abc/Tests/ArrayPropertyTest.cpp View 4 chunks +25 lines, -10 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcCoreAbstract/ArrayPropertyReader.h View 1 chunk +5 lines, -0 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcCoreHDF5/AprImpl.h View 1 chunk +1 line, -1 line 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcCoreHDF5/AprImpl.cpp View 4 chunks +56 lines, -12 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcCoreHDF5/BaseCprImpl.h View 4 chunks +13 lines, -5 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcCoreHDF5/BaseCprImpl.cpp View 17 chunks +34 lines, -30 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcCoreHDF5/BaseCpwImpl.cpp View 1 chunk +1 line, -8 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcCoreHDF5/BaseOrImpl.h View 2 chunks +6 lines, -0 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcCoreHDF5/BaseOrImpl.cpp View 8 chunks +22 lines, -10 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcCoreHDF5/BaseOwImpl.cpp View 1 chunk +1 line, -8 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcCoreHDF5/CMakeLists.txt View 1 chunk +0 lines, -1 line 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcCoreHDF5/ReadUtil.h View 1 chunk +7 lines, -0 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcCoreHDF5/ReadUtil.cpp View 6 chunks +47 lines, -8 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcCoreHDF5/ReadWrite.h View 1 chunk +0 lines, -1 line 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcCoreHDF5/SimplePrImpl.h View 7 chunks +40 lines, -43 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcCoreHDF5/Tests/ArrayPropertyTests.cpp View 28 chunks +445 lines, -325 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/ICamera.h View 1 chunk +4 lines, -4 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/ICurves.h View 9 chunks +23 lines, -32 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/ICurves.cpp View 6 chunks +9 lines, -22 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/IFaceSet.h View 5 chunks +16 lines, -6 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/INuPatch.h View 8 chunks +100 lines, -92 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/INuPatch.cpp View 6 chunks +57 lines, -49 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/IPoints.h View 10 chunks +40 lines, -5 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/IPoints.cpp View 1 chunk +10 lines, -3 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/IPolyMesh.h View 4 chunks +11 lines, -9 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/ISubD.h View 4 chunks +33 lines, -9 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/IXform.h View 6 chunks +16 lines, -17 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/IXform.cpp View 5 chunks +104 lines, -43 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/OCamera.h View 4 chunks +6 lines, -6 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/OCurves.h View 12 chunks +35 lines, -31 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/OCurves.cpp View 6 chunks +56 lines, -18 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/OFaceSet.h View 2 chunks +2 lines, -2 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/OGeomParam.h View 1 chunk +1 line, -1 line 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/ONuPatch.h View 16 chunks +63 lines, -60 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/ONuPatch.cpp View 5 chunks +167 lines, -115 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/OPoints.h View 11 chunks +26 lines, -12 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/OPoints.cpp View 3 chunks +18 lines, -0 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/OPolyMesh.h View 5 chunks +7 lines, -7 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/OSubD.h View 6 chunks +8 lines, -8 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/OXform.h View 8 chunks +13 lines, -17 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/OXform.cpp View 8 chunks +82 lines, -19 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/SchemaInfoDeclarations.h View 2 chunks +2 lines, -2 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/Tests/CurvesData.h View 1 chunk +6 lines, -5 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/Tests/CurvesData.cpp View 1 chunk +39 lines, -37 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/Tests/CurvesTest.cpp View 5 chunks +33 lines, -23 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/Tests/NurbsData.h View 1 chunk +20 lines, -19 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/Tests/NurbsData.cpp View 2 chunks +18 lines, -18 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/Tests/NurbsTest.cpp View 6 chunks +71 lines, -25 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/Tests/PlayGround.cpp View 2 chunks +76 lines, -0 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/Tests/PolyMeshTest.cpp View 2 chunks +39 lines, -0 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/Tests/XformTests2.cpp View 2 chunks +33 lines, -0 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/XformOp.h View 1 chunk +0 lines, -6 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/XformOp.cpp View 4 chunks +6 lines, -3 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/XformSample.h View 2 chunks +3 lines, -5 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/Alembic/AbcGeom/XformSample.cpp View 20 chunks +40 lines, -40 lines 0 comments Download
M lib/python/abcutils/Path.py View 1 chunk +7 lines, -0 lines 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcExport/AbcExport.cpp View 7 chunks +323 lines, -422 lines 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcExport/AbcWriteJob.h View 6 chunks +24 lines, -76 lines 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcExport/AbcWriteJob.cpp View 36 chunks +114 lines, -120 lines 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcExport/AttributesWriter.h View 1 chunk +8 lines, -5 lines 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcExport/AttributesWriter.cpp View 10 chunks +96 lines, -52 lines 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcExport/CMakeLists.txt View 2 chunks +4 lines, -0 lines 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcExport/MayaCameraWriter.h View 1 chunk +1 line, -1 line 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcExport/MayaCameraWriter.cpp View 3 chunks +17 lines, -7 lines 0 comments Download
A maya/AbcExport/MayaLocatorWriter.h View 1 chunk +71 lines, -0 lines 0 comments Download
A maya/AbcExport/MayaLocatorWriter.cpp View 1 chunk +147 lines, -0 lines 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcExport/MayaMeshWriter.h View 2 chunks +6 lines, -5 lines 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcExport/MayaMeshWriter.cpp View 12 chunks +101 lines, -28 lines 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcExport/MayaNurbsCurveWriter.h View 1 chunk +2 lines, -2 lines 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcExport/MayaNurbsCurveWriter.cpp View 10 chunks +32 lines, -16 lines 0 comments Download
A maya/AbcExport/MayaNurbsSurfaceWriter.h View 1 chunk +67 lines, -0 lines 0 comments Download
A maya/AbcExport/MayaNurbsSurfaceWriter.cpp View 1 chunk +293 lines, -0 lines 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcExport/MayaPointPrimitiveWriter.h View 1 chunk +2 lines, -2 lines 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcExport/MayaPointPrimitiveWriter.cpp View 2 chunks +18 lines, -8 lines 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcExport/MayaTransformWriter.h View 2 chunks +4 lines, -5 lines 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcExport/MayaTransformWriter.cpp View 9 chunks +79 lines, -45 lines 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcExport/MayaUtility.h View 2 chunks +42 lines, -0 lines 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcExport/MayaUtility.cpp View 1 chunk +178 lines, -0 lines 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcImport/AbcImport.cpp View 1 chunk +2 lines, -3 lines 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcImport/AlembicNode.h View 2 chunks +3 lines, -1 line 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcImport/AlembicNode.cpp View 11 chunks +80 lines, -7 lines 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcImport/CMakeLists.txt View 2 chunks +4 lines, -0 lines 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcImport/CameraHelper.cpp View 1 chunk +1 line, -1 line 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcImport/CreateSceneHelper.h View 1 chunk +1 line, -0 lines 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcImport/CreateSceneHelper.cpp View 19 chunks +372 lines, -129 lines 0 comments Download
A maya/AbcImport/LocatorHelper.h View 1 chunk +59 lines, -0 lines 0 comments Download
A maya/AbcImport/LocatorHelper.cpp View 1 chunk +130 lines, -0 lines 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcImport/MeshHelper.h View 2 chunks +3 lines, -1 line 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcImport/MeshHelper.cpp View 9 chunks +9 lines, -7 lines 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcImport/NodeIteratorVisitorHelper.h View 3 chunks +14 lines, -8 lines 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcImport/NodeIteratorVisitorHelper.cpp View 37 chunks +324 lines, -118 lines 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcImport/NurbsCurveHelper.h View 1 chunk +2 lines, -1 line 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcImport/NurbsCurveHelper.cpp View 3 chunks +6 lines, -5 lines 0 comments Download
A maya/AbcImport/NurbsSurfaceHelper.h View 1 chunk +54 lines, -0 lines 0 comments Download
A maya/AbcImport/NurbsSurfaceHelper.cpp View 1 chunk +260 lines, -0 lines 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcImport/PointHelper.cpp View 1 chunk +3 lines, -2 lines 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcImport/XformHelper.h View 1 chunk +2 lines, -1 line 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcImport/XformHelper.cpp View 4 chunks +4 lines, -4 lines 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcImport/util.h View 3 chunks +5 lines, -11 lines 0 comments Download
M maya/AbcImport/util.cpp View 4 chunks +15 lines, -6 lines 0 comments Download
M prman/Procedural/ArbAttrUtil.h View 2 chunks +32 lines, -7 lines 0 comments Download
M prman/Procedural/ArbAttrUtil.cpp View 2 chunks +0 lines, -187 lines 0 comments Download
M prman/Procedural/ProcArgs.h View 2 chunks +3 lines, -0 lines 0 comments Download
M prman/Procedural/ProcArgs.cpp View 2 chunks +7 lines, -0 lines 0 comments Download
M prman/Procedural/ProcMain.cpp View 2 chunks +57 lines, -6 lines 0 comments Download
M prman/Procedural/SampleUtil.cpp View 1 chunk +1 line, -1 line 0 comments Download
M prman/Procedural/WriteGeo.h View 1 chunk +9 lines, -1 line 0 comments Download
M prman/Procedural/WriteGeo.cpp View 7 chunks +339 lines, -7 lines 0 comments Download


Total messages: 3
juma kituno bukoma
6 years, 3 months ago (2018-04-15 09:28:12 UTC) #1
juma kituno bukoma
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5 years, 4 months ago (2019-03-17 07:42:28 UTC) #2
juma kituno bukoma
5 years, 4 months ago (2019-03-17 07:46:10 UTC) #3
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p.o.box 235 jinja uganda
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