Descriptiongofmt: modified algorithm for alignment of multi-line composite/list entries
- only manual changes are in src/pkg/go/printer/nodes.go
- use a heuristic to determine "outliers" such that not entire composites are
forced to align with them
- improves several places that were not unligned before due too simple heuristic
- unalignes some cases that contain "outliers"
- gofmt -w src misc
Fixes issue 644.
Patch Set 1 #Patch Set 2 : code review 241041: gofmt: modified algorithm for alignment of multi-line c... #Patch Set 3 : code review 241041: gofmt: modified algorithm for alignment of multi-line c... #Patch Set 4 : code review 241041: gofmt: modified algorithm for alignment of multi-line c... #
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