goinstall: added -a flag to mean "all remote packages"
Fixes issue 897.
goinstall -a can be used to reinstall all packages after an upgrade
goinstall -a -u can be used to update all package
A history of remote package installs is stored in $GOROOT/goinstall.log
Thanks for doing this. It's a great addition. http://codereview.appspot.com/1947041/diff/5/2003 File src/cmd/goinstall/main.go (right): http://codereview.appspot.com/1947041/diff/5/2003#newcode23 src/cmd/goinstall/main.go:23: fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, ...
14 years, 7 months ago
(2010-08-12 03:19:06 UTC)
Thanks for doing this. It's a great addition.
File src/cmd/goinstall/main.go (right):
src/cmd/goinstall/main.go:23: fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "usage: goinstall
this should say
usage: goinstall -a | importpath...
src/cmd/goinstall/main.go:39: verbose = flag.Bool("v", false,
There should be a way to disable logging.
log = flag.Bool("l", true, "log installed packages to $GOROOT/goinstall.log for
use by -a")
src/cmd/goinstall/main.go:64: var pkgs vector.StringVector
The logic here seems gratuitously different.
I think you want to keep the old code and then say
if *allpkg {
if len(args) != 0 {
args = ...
The change in variable name is unnecessary,
as is the use of StringVector.
src/cmd/goinstall/main.go:71: fin, err := os.Open(path.Join(os.Getenv("GOROOT"),
".goinstall_log"), os.O_RDONLY, 0)
This can be done once during initialization and stored it in a global:
var logfile = path.Join(os.Getenv("GOROOT"), "goinstall.log")
Note the lack of a leading dot too. I don't want to hide
the fact that goinstall is logging things. In general dot files
are a bad idea - the fact that they are hidden due to a 40
year old bug in the shell means that they get overused
and you don't even notice until you've got 1000 "hidden"
files in your directory that are slowing everything else down.
src/cmd/goinstall/main.go:106: // markPackage marks the named package as
installed in .goinstall_log
Should be logPackage.
src/cmd/goinstall/main.go:108: fout, err :=
os.Open(path.Join(os.Getenv("GOROOT"), ".goinstall_log"),
Should it check to see if the package is already listed?
http://codereview.appspot.com/1947041/diff/11001/12002 File src/cmd/goinstall/doc.go (right): http://codereview.appspot.com/1947041/diff/11001/12002#newcode18 src/cmd/goinstall/doc.go:18: -l=true log installed packages to $GOROOT/goinstall.log for use by ...
14 years, 6 months ago
(2010-08-26 16:28:22 UTC)
File src/cmd/goinstall/doc.go (right):
src/cmd/goinstall/doc.go:18: -l=true log installed packages to
$GOROOT/goinstall.log for use by -a
Since saying -l is useless, a short name is probably not necessary here.
Might as well say -log=true.
src/cmd/goinstall/doc.go:24: itself.
Unless -log=false is specified, goinstall logs the import path of each installed
package to $GOROOT/goinstall.log for use by goinstall -a.
src/cmd/goinstall/doc.go:26: If the -a flag is given, goinstall ignores the
command line and instead uses a
It shouldn't ignore the command line.
It's probably an error, in which case you don't have to say anything.
If the -a flag is given, goinstall reinstalls all previously installed packages,
reading the list from $GOROOT/goinstall.log. After updating to a new Go
release, which deletes all package binaries, running
goinstall -a
will recompile and reinstall goinstalled packages.
Another common idiom is to use
goinstall -a -u
to update, recompile, and reinstall all goinstalled packages.
src/cmd/goinstall/doc.go:31: goinstall -a -u
should be a tab
File src/cmd/goinstall/main.go (right):
src/cmd/goinstall/main.go:22: fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "usage: goinstall -a |
Now that I see it, this should probably be two lines like you did in the docs.
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "usage: goinstall importpath...\n")
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\tgoinstall -a\n")
src/cmd/goinstall/main.go:67: // install all packages that were ever installed
if len(args) != 0 {
src/cmd/goinstall/main.go:72: fmt.Printf("No installed packages.\n")
Errors should go to standard error and include the program name:
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: no installed packages\n", argv0)
src/cmd/goinstall/main.go:101: pkglistdata, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(logfile)
Should probably put the strings into a map the
first time this is called and then consult the map for
future times. Otherwise the file just keeps getting
read over and over while goinstall installs dependencies.
http://codereview.appspot.com/1947041/diff/29001/30003 File src/cmd/goinstall/main.go (right): http://codereview.appspot.com/1947041/diff/29001/30003#newcode77 src/cmd/goinstall/main.go:77: readPackageList() doesn't seem right - you won't have a ...
14 years, 6 months ago
(2010-08-27 04:26:13 UTC)
http://codereview.appspot.com/1947041/diff/35001/36003 File src/cmd/goinstall/main.go (right): http://codereview.appspot.com/1947041/diff/35001/36003#newcode39 src/cmd/goinstall/main.go:39: pkglist []string Seems like installedPkgs and pkglist are the ...
14 years, 6 months ago
(2010-08-30 07:13:04 UTC)
> http://codereview.appspot.com/1947041/diff/35001/36003#newcode39 > src/cmd/goinstall/main.go:39: pkglist []string > Seems like installedPkgs and pkglist are the same. ...
14 years, 6 months ago
(2010-08-30 14:32:14 UTC)
> http://codereview.appspot.com/1947041/diff/35001/36003#newcode39
> src/cmd/goinstall/main.go:39: pkglist []string
> Seems like installedPkgs and pkglist are the same. Drop the latter.
Not exactly. One preserves the order in the file, one does not.
> if _, ok := installedPkgs[pkgname]; ok {
> return
> }
Even simpler:
if installedPkgs[pkgname] {
> Not exactly. One preserves the order in the file, one does not. Although the ...
14 years, 6 months ago
(2010-08-30 23:23:46 UTC)
> Not exactly. One preserves the order in the file, one does not.
Although the order isn't used, so it can be safely dropped.
On 8/30/10, Russ Cox <rsc@golang.org> wrote:
>> http://codereview.appspot.com/1947041/diff/35001/36003#newcode39
>> src/cmd/goinstall/main.go:39: pkglist []string
>> Seems like installedPkgs and pkglist are the same. Drop the latter.
> Not exactly. One preserves the order in the file, one does not.
>> if _, ok := installedPkgs[pkgname]; ok {
>> return
>> }
> Even simpler:
> if installedPkgs[pkgname] {
> Russ
Scott Lawrence
On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 19:23, Scott Lawrence <bytbox@gmail.com> wrote: >> Not exactly. One ...
14 years, 6 months ago
(2010-08-30 23:26:07 UTC)
On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 19:23, Scott Lawrence <bytbox@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Not exactly. One preserves the order in the file, one does not.
> Although the order isn't used, so it can be safely dropped.
I liked that the order was deterministic across runs
but it's probably fine.
Assuming packages aren't broken, requiring manual installation in a certain order, it should work. That ...
14 years, 6 months ago
(2010-08-30 23:33:03 UTC)
Assuming packages aren't broken, requiring manual installation in a
certain order, it should work. That seems a safe assumption.
(The only such packages I know of at the moment are ... mine.)
On 8/30/10, Russ Cox <rsc@golang.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 19:23, Scott Lawrence <bytbox@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Not exactly. One preserves the order in the file, one does not.
>> Although the order isn't used, so it can be safely dropped.
> I liked that the order was deterministic across runs
> but it's probably fine.
> Russ
Scott Lawrence
On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 19:33, Scott Lawrence <bytbox@gmail.com> wrote: > Assuming packages aren't ...
14 years, 6 months ago
(2010-08-30 23:35:19 UTC)
On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 19:33, Scott Lawrence <bytbox@gmail.com> wrote:
> Assuming packages aren't broken, requiring manual installation in a
> certain order, it should work. That seems a safe assumption.
> (The only such packages I know of at the moment are ... mine.)
I'm not saying it's wrong, just that it would be nice
for repeatability. But again it's fine.
*** Submitted as http://code.google.com/p/go/source/detail?r=af581243d06e *** goinstall: added -a flag to mean "all remote packages" Fixes ...
14 years, 6 months ago
(2010-09-02 17:48:32 UTC)
*** Submitted as http://code.google.com/p/go/source/detail?r=af581243d06e ***
goinstall: added -a flag to mean "all remote packages"
Fixes issue 897.
goinstall -a can be used to reinstall all packages after an upgrade
goinstall -a -u can be used to update all package
A history of remote package installs is stored in $GOROOT/goinstall.log
R=rsc, adg
Committer: Russ Cox <rsc@golang.org>
Issue 1947041: code review 1947041: goinstall: added -a flag to mean "all remote packages"
Created 14 years, 7 months ago by bytbox
Modified 14 years, 6 months ago
Base URL:
Comments: 22