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Unified Diff: src/cmd/cgo/gcc.go

Issue 180047: code review 180047: 1) Change default gofmt default settings for (Closed)
Patch Set: code review 180047: 1) Change default gofmt default settings for Created 15 years, 3 months ago
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Index: src/cmd/cgo/gcc.go
--- a/src/cmd/cgo/gcc.go
+++ b/src/cmd/cgo/gcc.go
@@ -8,30 +8,30 @@
package main
import (
- "bytes";
- "debug/dwarf";
- "debug/elf";
- "debug/macho";
- "fmt";
- "go/ast";
- "go/token";
- "os";
- "strconv";
- "strings";
+ "bytes"
+ "debug/dwarf"
+ "debug/elf"
+ "debug/macho"
+ "fmt"
+ "go/ast"
+ "go/token"
+ "os"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
func (p *Prog) loadDebugInfo() {
// Construct a slice of unique names from p.Crefs.
- m := make(map[string]int);
+ m := make(map[string]int)
for _, c := range p.Crefs {
m[c.Name] = -1
- names := make([]string, 0, len(m));
+ names := make([]string, 0, len(m))
for name, _ := range m {
- i := len(names);
- names = names[0 : i+1];
- names[i] = name;
- m[name] = i;
+ i := len(names)
+ names = names[0 : i+1]
+ names[i] = name
+ m[name] = i
// Coerce gcc into telling us whether each name is
@@ -46,18 +46,18 @@
// x.c:2: error: 'name' undeclared (first use in this function)
// A line number directive causes the line number to
// correspond to the index in the names array.
- var b bytes.Buffer;
- b.WriteString(p.Preamble);
- b.WriteString("void f(void) {\n");
- b.WriteString("#line 0 \"cgo-test\"\n");
+ var b bytes.Buffer
+ b.WriteString(p.Preamble)
+ b.WriteString("void f(void) {\n")
+ b.WriteString("#line 0 \"cgo-test\"\n")
for _, n := range names {
- b.WriteString(n);
- b.WriteString(";\n");
+ b.WriteString(n)
+ b.WriteString(";\n")
- b.WriteString("}\n");
+ b.WriteString("}\n")
- kind := make(map[string]string);
- _, stderr := p.gccDebug(b.Bytes());
+ kind := make(map[string]string)
+ _, stderr := p.gccDebug(b.Bytes())
if stderr == "" {
fatal("gcc produced no output")
@@ -65,16 +65,16 @@
if len(line) < 9 || line[0:9] != "cgo-test:" {
- line = line[9:];
- colon := strings.Index(line, ":");
+ line = line[9:]
+ colon := strings.Index(line, ":")
if colon < 0 {
- i, err := strconv.Atoi(line[0:colon]);
+ i, err := strconv.Atoi(line[0:colon])
if err != nil {
- what := "";
+ what := ""
switch {
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
if old, ok := kind[names[i]]; ok && old != what {
error(noPos, "inconsistent gcc output about C.%s", names[i])
- kind[names[i]] = what;
+ kind[names[i]] = what
for _, n := range names {
if _, ok := kind[n]; !ok {
@@ -108,21 +108,21 @@
// typeof(names[i]) *__cgo__i;
// for each entry in names and then dereference the type we
// learn for __cgo__i.
- b.Reset();
- b.WriteString(p.Preamble);
+ b.Reset()
+ b.WriteString(p.Preamble)
for i, n := range names {
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "typeof(%s) *__cgo__%d;\n", n, i)
- d, stderr := p.gccDebug(b.Bytes());
+ d, stderr := p.gccDebug(b.Bytes())
if d == nil {
fatal("gcc failed:\n%s\non input:\n%s", stderr, b.Bytes())
// Scan DWARF info for top-level TagVariable entries with AttrName __cgo__i.
- types := make([]dwarf.Type, len(names));
- r := d.Reader();
+ types := make([]dwarf.Type, len(names))
+ r := d.Reader()
for {
- e, err := r.Next();
+ e, err := r.Next()
if err != nil {
fatal("reading DWARF entry: %s", err)
@@ -132,27 +132,27 @@
if e.Tag != dwarf.TagVariable {
goto Continue
- name, _ := e.Val(dwarf.AttrName).(string);
- typOff, _ := e.Val(dwarf.AttrType).(dwarf.Offset);
+ name, _ := e.Val(dwarf.AttrName).(string)
+ typOff, _ := e.Val(dwarf.AttrType).(dwarf.Offset)
if name == "" || typOff == 0 {
fatal("malformed DWARF TagVariable entry")
if !strings.HasPrefix(name, "__cgo__") {
goto Continue
- typ, err := d.Type(typOff);
+ typ, err := d.Type(typOff)
if err != nil {
fatal("loading DWARF type: %s", err)
- t, ok := typ.(*dwarf.PtrType);
+ t, ok := typ.(*dwarf.PtrType)
if !ok || t == nil {
fatal("internal error: %s has non-pointer type", name)
- i, err := strconv.Atoi(name[7:]);
+ i, err := strconv.Atoi(name[7:])
if err != nil {
fatal("malformed __cgo__ name: %s", name)
- types[i] = t.Type;
+ types[i] = t.Type
if e.Tag != dwarf.TagCompileUnit {
@@ -161,132 +161,132 @@
// Record types and typedef information in Crefs.
- var conv typeConv;
- conv.Init(p.PtrSize);
+ var conv typeConv
+ conv.Init(p.PtrSize)
for _, c := range p.Crefs {
- i := m[c.Name];
- c.TypeName = kind[c.Name] == "type";
- f, fok := types[i].(*dwarf.FuncType);
+ i := m[c.Name]
+ c.TypeName = kind[c.Name] == "type"
+ f, fok := types[i].(*dwarf.FuncType)
if c.Context == "call" && !c.TypeName && fok {
c.FuncType = conv.FuncType(f)
} else {
c.Type = conv.Type(types[i])
- p.Typedef = conv.typedef;
+ p.Typedef = conv.typedef
func concat(a, b []string) []string {
- c := make([]string, len(a)+len(b));
+ c := make([]string, len(a)+len(b))
for i, s := range a {
c[i] = s
for i, s := range b {
c[i+len(a)] = s
- return c;
+ return c
// gccDebug runs gcc -gdwarf-2 over the C program stdin and
// returns the corresponding DWARF data and any messages
// printed to standard error.
func (p *Prog) gccDebug(stdin []byte) (*dwarf.Data, string) {
- machine := "-m32";
+ machine := "-m32"
if p.PtrSize == 8 {
machine = "-m64"
- tmp := "_cgo_.o";
+ tmp := "_cgo_.o"
base := []string{
- "-Wall", // many warnings
- "-Werror", // warnings are errors
- "-o" + tmp, // write object to tmp
- "-gdwarf-2", // generate DWARF v2 debugging symbols
- "-c", // do not link
- "-xc", // input language is C
- "-", // read input from standard input
- };
- _, stderr, ok := run(stdin, concat(base, p.GccOptions));
+ "-Wall", // many warnings
+ "-Werror", // warnings are errors
+ "-o" + tmp, // write object to tmp
+ "-gdwarf-2", // generate DWARF v2 debugging symbols
+ "-c", // do not link
+ "-xc", // input language is C
+ "-", // read input from standard input
+ }
+ _, stderr, ok := run(stdin, concat(base, p.GccOptions))
if !ok {
return nil, string(stderr)
// Try to parse f as ELF and Mach-O and hope one works.
var f interface {
- DWARF() (*dwarf.Data, os.Error);
+ DWARF() (*dwarf.Data, os.Error)
- var err os.Error;
+ var err os.Error
if f, err = elf.Open(tmp); err != nil {
if f, err = macho.Open(tmp); err != nil {
fatal("cannot parse gcc output %s as ELF or Mach-O object", tmp)
- d, err := f.DWARF();
+ d, err := f.DWARF()
if err != nil {
fatal("cannot load DWARF debug information from %s: %s", tmp, err)
- return d, "";
+ return d, ""
// A typeConv is a translator from dwarf types to Go types
// with equivalent memory layout.
type typeConv struct {
// Cache of already-translated or in-progress types.
- m map[dwarf.Type]*Type;
- typedef map[string]ast.Expr;
+ m map[dwarf.Type]*Type
+ typedef map[string]ast.Expr
// Predeclared types.
- byte ast.Expr; // denotes padding
- int8, int16, int32, int64 ast.Expr;
- uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, uintptr ast.Expr;
- float32, float64 ast.Expr;
- void ast.Expr;
- unsafePointer ast.Expr;
- string ast.Expr;
+ byte ast.Expr // denotes padding
+ int8, int16, int32, int64 ast.Expr
+ uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, uintptr ast.Expr
+ float32, float64 ast.Expr
+ void ast.Expr
+ unsafePointer ast.Expr
+ string ast.Expr
- ptrSize int64;
+ ptrSize int64
- tagGen int;
+ tagGen int
func (c *typeConv) Init(ptrSize int64) {
- c.ptrSize = ptrSize;
- c.m = make(map[dwarf.Type]*Type);
- c.typedef = make(map[string]ast.Expr);
- c.byte = c.Ident("byte");
- c.int8 = c.Ident("int8");
- c.int16 = c.Ident("int16");
- c.int32 = c.Ident("int32");
- c.int64 = c.Ident("int64");
- c.uint8 = c.Ident("uint8");
- c.uint16 = c.Ident("uint16");
- c.uint32 = c.Ident("uint32");
- c.uint64 = c.Ident("uint64");
- c.uintptr = c.Ident("uintptr");
- c.float32 = c.Ident("float32");
- c.float64 = c.Ident("float64");
- c.unsafePointer = c.Ident("unsafe.Pointer");
- c.void = c.Ident("void");
- c.string = c.Ident("string");
+ c.ptrSize = ptrSize
+ c.m = make(map[dwarf.Type]*Type)
+ c.typedef = make(map[string]ast.Expr)
+ c.byte = c.Ident("byte")
+ c.int8 = c.Ident("int8")
+ c.int16 = c.Ident("int16")
+ c.int32 = c.Ident("int32")
+ c.int64 = c.Ident("int64")
+ c.uint8 = c.Ident("uint8")
+ c.uint16 = c.Ident("uint16")
+ c.uint32 = c.Ident("uint32")
+ c.uint64 = c.Ident("uint64")
+ c.uintptr = c.Ident("uintptr")
+ c.float32 = c.Ident("float32")
+ c.float64 = c.Ident("float64")
+ c.unsafePointer = c.Ident("unsafe.Pointer")
+ c.void = c.Ident("void")
+ c.string = c.Ident("string")
// base strips away qualifiers and typedefs to get the underlying type
func base(dt dwarf.Type) dwarf.Type {
for {
if d, ok := dt.(*dwarf.QualType); ok {
- dt = d.Type;
- continue;
+ dt = d.Type
+ continue
if d, ok := dt.(*dwarf.TypedefType); ok {
- dt = d.Type;
- continue;
+ dt = d.Type
+ continue
- break;
+ break
- return dt;
+ return dt
// Map from dwarf text names to aliases we use in package "C".
@@ -308,22 +308,22 @@
if t.Go == nil {
fatal("type conversion loop at %s", dtype)
- return t;
+ return t
- t := new(Type);
- t.Size = dtype.Size();
- t.Align = -1;
- t.C = dtype.Common().Name;
- c.m[dtype] = t;
+ t := new(Type)
+ t.Size = dtype.Size()
+ t.Align = -1
+ t.C = dtype.Common().Name
+ c.m[dtype] = t
if t.Size < 0 {
// Unsized types are [0]byte
- t.Size = 0;
- t.Go = c.Opaque(0);
+ t.Size = 0
+ t.Go = c.Opaque(0)
if t.C == "" {
t.C = "void"
- return t;
+ return t
switch dt := dtype.(type) {
@@ -334,30 +334,30 @@
if t.Size != c.ptrSize {
fatal("unexpected: %d-byte address type - %s", t.Size, dtype)
- t.Go = c.uintptr;
- t.Align = t.Size;
+ t.Go = c.uintptr
+ t.Align = t.Size
case *dwarf.ArrayType:
if dt.StrideBitSize > 0 {
// Cannot represent bit-sized elements in Go.
- t.Go = c.Opaque(t.Size);
- break;
+ t.Go = c.Opaque(t.Size)
+ break
gt := &ast.ArrayType{
Len: c.intExpr(dt.Count),
- };
- t.Go = gt; // publish before recursive call
- sub := c.Type(dt.Type);
- t.Align = sub.Align;
- gt.Elt = sub.Go;
- t.C = fmt.Sprintf("typeof(%s[%d])", sub.C, dt.Count);
+ }
+ t.Go = gt // publish before recursive call
+ sub := c.Type(dt.Type)
+ t.Align = sub.Align
+ gt.Elt = sub.Go
+ t.C = fmt.Sprintf("typeof(%s[%d])", sub.C, dt.Count)
case *dwarf.CharType:
if t.Size != 1 {
fatal("unexpected: %d-byte char type - %s", t.Size, dtype)
- t.Go = c.int8;
- t.Align = 1;
+ t.Go = c.int8
+ t.Align = 1
case *dwarf.EnumType:
switch t.Size {
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@
if t.Align = t.Size; t.Align >= c.ptrSize {
t.Align = c.ptrSize
- t.C = "enum " + dt.EnumName;
+ t.C = "enum " + dt.EnumName
case *dwarf.FloatType:
switch t.Size {
@@ -393,8 +393,8 @@
case *dwarf.FuncType:
// No attempt at translation: would enable calls
// directly between worlds, but we need to moderate those.
- t.Go = c.uintptr;
- t.Align = c.ptrSize;
+ t.Go = c.uintptr
+ t.Align = c.ptrSize
case *dwarf.IntType:
if dt.BitSize > 0 {
@@ -417,52 +417,52 @@
case *dwarf.PtrType:
- t.Align = c.ptrSize;
+ t.Align = c.ptrSize
// Translate void* as unsafe.Pointer
if _, ok := base(dt.Type).(*dwarf.VoidType); ok {
- t.Go = c.unsafePointer;
- t.C = "void*";
- break;
+ t.Go = c.unsafePointer
+ t.C = "void*"
+ break
- gt := &ast.StarExpr{};
- t.Go = gt; // publish before recursive call
- sub := c.Type(dt.Type);
- gt.X = sub.Go;
- t.C = sub.C + "*";
+ gt := &ast.StarExpr{}
+ t.Go = gt // publish before recursive call
+ sub := c.Type(dt.Type)
+ gt.X = sub.Go
+ t.C = sub.C + "*"
case *dwarf.QualType:
// Ignore qualifier.
- t = c.Type(dt.Type);
- c.m[dtype] = t;
- return t;
+ t = c.Type(dt.Type)
+ c.m[dtype] = t
+ return t
case *dwarf.StructType:
// Convert to Go struct, being careful about alignment.
// Have to give it a name to simulate C "struct foo" references.
- tag := dt.StructName;
+ tag := dt.StructName
if tag == "" {
- tag = "__" + strconv.Itoa(c.tagGen);
- c.tagGen++;
+ tag = "__" + strconv.Itoa(c.tagGen)
+ c.tagGen++
} else if t.C == "" {
t.C = dt.Kind + " " + tag
- name := c.Ident("_C" + dt.Kind + "_" + tag);
- t.Go = name; // publish before recursive calls
+ name := c.Ident("_C" + dt.Kind + "_" + tag)
+ t.Go = name // publish before recursive calls
switch dt.Kind {
case "union", "class":
- c.typedef[name.Value] = c.Opaque(t.Size);
+ c.typedef[name.Value] = c.Opaque(t.Size)
if t.C == "" {
t.C = fmt.Sprintf("typeof(unsigned char[%d])", t.Size)
case "struct":
- g, csyntax, align := c.Struct(dt);
+ g, csyntax, align := c.Struct(dt)
if t.C == "" {
t.C = csyntax
- t.Align = align;
- c.typedef[name.Value] = g;
+ t.Align = align
+ c.typedef[name.Value] = g
case *dwarf.TypedefType:
@@ -471,16 +471,16 @@
// Special C name for Go string type.
// Knows string layout used by compilers: pointer plus length,
// which rounds up to 2 pointers after alignment.
- t.Go = c.string;
- t.Size = c.ptrSize * 2;
- t.Align = c.ptrSize;
- break;
+ t.Go = c.string
+ t.Size = c.ptrSize * 2
+ t.Align = c.ptrSize
+ break
- name := c.Ident("_C_" + dt.Name);
- t.Go = name; // publish before recursive call
- sub := c.Type(dt.Type);
- t.Size = sub.Size;
- t.Align = sub.Align;
+ name := c.Ident("_C_" + dt.Name)
+ t.Go = name // publish before recursive call
+ sub := c.Type(dt.Type)
+ t.Size = sub.Size
+ t.Align = sub.Align
if _, ok := c.typedef[name.Value]; !ok {
c.typedef[name.Value] = sub.Go
@@ -489,8 +489,8 @@
if t.Size != 1 {
fatal("unexpected: %d-byte uchar type - %s", t.Size, dtype)
- t.Go = c.uint8;
- t.Align = 1;
+ t.Go = c.uint8
+ t.Align = 1
case *dwarf.UintType:
if dt.BitSize > 0 {
@@ -513,21 +513,21 @@
case *dwarf.VoidType:
- t.Go = c.void;
- t.C = "void";
+ t.Go = c.void
+ t.C = "void"
switch dtype.(type) {
case *dwarf.AddrType, *dwarf.CharType, *dwarf.IntType, *dwarf.FloatType, *dwarf.UcharType, *dwarf.UintType:
- s := dtype.Common().Name;
+ s := dtype.Common().Name
if s != "" {
if ss, ok := cnameMap[s]; ok {
s = ss
- s = strings.Join(strings.Split(s, " ", 0), ""); // strip spaces
- name := c.Ident("_C_" + s);
- c.typedef[name.Value] = t.Go;
- t.Go = name;
+ s = strings.Join(strings.Split(s, " ", 0), "") // strip spaces
+ name := c.Ident("_C_" + s)
+ c.typedef[name.Value] = t.Go
+ t.Go = name
@@ -535,13 +535,13 @@
fatal("internal error: did not create C name for %s", dtype)
- return t;
+ return t
// FuncArg returns a Go type with the same memory layout as
// dtype when used as the type of a C function argument.
func (c *typeConv) FuncArg(dtype dwarf.Type) *Type {
- t := c.Type(dtype);
+ t := c.Type(dtype)
switch dt := dtype.(type) {
case *dwarf.ArrayType:
// Arrays are passed implicitly as pointers in C.
@@ -565,14 +565,14 @@
- return t;
+ return t
// FuncType returns the Go type analogous to dtype.
// There is no guarantee about matching memory layout.
func (c *typeConv) FuncType(dtype *dwarf.FuncType) *FuncType {
- p := make([]*Type, len(dtype.ParamType));
- gp := make([]*ast.Field, len(dtype.ParamType));
+ p := make([]*Type, len(dtype.ParamType))
+ gp := make([]*ast.Field, len(dtype.ParamType))
for i, f := range dtype.ParamType {
// gcc's DWARF generator outputs a single DotDotDotType parameter for
// function pointers that specify no parameters (e.g. void
@@ -580,17 +580,17 @@
// invalid according to ISO C anyway (i.e. void (*__cgo_1)(...) is not
// legal).
if _, ok := f.(*dwarf.DotDotDotType); ok && i == 0 {
- p, gp = nil, nil;
- break;
+ p, gp = nil, nil
+ break
- p[i] = c.FuncArg(f);
- gp[i] = &ast.Field{Type: p[i].Go};
+ p[i] = c.FuncArg(f)
+ gp[i] = &ast.Field{Type: p[i].Go}
- var r *Type;
- var gr []*ast.Field;
+ var r *Type
+ var gr []*ast.Field
if _, ok := dtype.ReturnType.(*dwarf.VoidType); !ok && dtype.ReturnType != nil {
- r = c.Type(dtype.ReturnType);
- gr = []*ast.Field{&ast.Field{Type: r.Go}};
+ r = c.Type(dtype.ReturnType)
+ gr = []*ast.Field{&ast.Field{Type: r.Go}}
return &FuncType{
Params: p,
@@ -599,11 +599,11 @@
Params: gp,
Results: gr,
- };
+ }
// Identifier
-func (c *typeConv) Ident(s string) *ast.Ident { return &ast.Ident{Value: s} }
+func (c *typeConv) Ident(s string) *ast.Ident { return &ast.Ident{Value: s} }
// Opaque type of n bytes.
func (c *typeConv) Opaque(n int64) ast.Expr {
@@ -623,17 +623,17 @@
// Add padding of given size to fld.
func (c *typeConv) pad(fld []*ast.Field, size int64) []*ast.Field {
- n := len(fld);
- fld = fld[0 : n+1];
- fld[n] = &ast.Field{Names: []*ast.Ident{c.Ident("_")}, Type: c.Opaque(size)};
- return fld;
+ n := len(fld)
+ fld = fld[0 : n+1]
+ fld[n] = &ast.Field{Names: []*ast.Ident{c.Ident("_")}, Type: c.Opaque(size)}
+ return fld
// Struct conversion
func (c *typeConv) Struct(dt *dwarf.StructType) (expr *ast.StructType, csyntax string, align int64) {
- csyntax = "struct { ";
- fld := make([]*ast.Field, 0, 2*len(dt.Field)+1); // enough for padding around every field
- off := int64(0);
+ csyntax = "struct { "
+ fld := make([]*ast.Field, 0, 2*len(dt.Field)+1) // enough for padding around every field
+ off := int64(0)
// Mangle struct fields that happen to be named Go keywords into
// _{keyword}. Create a map from C ident -> Go ident. The Go ident will
@@ -641,51 +641,51 @@
// the C-side will cause the Go-mangled version to be prefixed with _.
// (e.g. in a struct with fields '_type' and 'type', the latter would be
// rendered as '__type' in Go).
- ident := make(map[string]string);
- used := make(map[string]bool);
+ ident := make(map[string]string)
+ used := make(map[string]bool)
for _, f := range dt.Field {
- ident[f.Name] = f.Name;
- used[f.Name] = true;
+ ident[f.Name] = f.Name
+ used[f.Name] = true
for cid, goid := range ident {
if token.Lookup(strings.Bytes(goid)).IsKeyword() {
// Avoid keyword
- goid = "_" + goid;
+ goid = "_" + goid
// Also avoid existing fields
for _, exist := used[goid]; exist; _, exist = used[goid] {
goid = "_" + goid
- used[goid] = true;
- ident[cid] = goid;
+ used[goid] = true
+ ident[cid] = goid
for _, f := range dt.Field {
if f.ByteOffset > off {
- fld = c.pad(fld, f.ByteOffset-off);
- off = f.ByteOffset;
+ fld = c.pad(fld, f.ByteOffset-off)
+ off = f.ByteOffset
- t := c.Type(f.Type);
- n := len(fld);
- fld = fld[0 : n+1];
+ t := c.Type(f.Type)
+ n := len(fld)
+ fld = fld[0 : n+1]
- fld[n] = &ast.Field{Names: []*ast.Ident{c.Ident(ident[f.Name])}, Type: t.Go};
- off += t.Size;
- csyntax += t.C + " " + f.Name + "; ";
+ fld[n] = &ast.Field{Names: []*ast.Ident{c.Ident(ident[f.Name])}, Type: t.Go}
+ off += t.Size
+ csyntax += t.C + " " + f.Name + "; "
if t.Align > align {
align = t.Align
if off < dt.ByteSize {
- fld = c.pad(fld, dt.ByteSize-off);
- off = dt.ByteSize;
+ fld = c.pad(fld, dt.ByteSize-off)
+ off = dt.ByteSize
if off != dt.ByteSize {
fatal("struct size calculation error")
- csyntax += "}";
- expr = &ast.StructType{Fields: fld};
- return;
+ csyntax += "}"
+ expr = &ast.StructType{Fields: fld}
+ return
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