1 This file collects notes about what has changed since Go 1.1 | 1 This file collects notes about what has changed since Go 1.1 |
2 and should be mentioned in the Go 1.2 release notes. | 2 and should be mentioned in the Go 1.2 release notes. |
3 During the Go 1.2 release process it will be necessary to convert | 3 During the Go 1.2 release process it will be necessary to convert |
4 it to HTML, similar to go1.1.html, but for now it is a text file, | 4 it to HTML, similar to go1.1.html, but for now it is a text file, |
5 to make the process of keeping it up-to-date more lightweight. | 5 to make the process of keeping it up-to-date more lightweight. |
6 | 6 |
7 Please keep the descriptions to a single line, starting with the | 7 Please keep the descriptions to a single line, starting with the |
8 package or cmd/xxx directory name, and ending in a CL number. | 8 package or cmd/xxx directory name, and ending in a CL number. |
9 Please keep the list sorted (as in sort.Strings of the lines). | 9 Please keep the list sorted (as in sort.Strings of the lines). |
10 | 10 |
11 cmd/5a: removed support for R9/R10 (use m/g instead) (CL 9840043). | 11 cmd/5a: removed support for R9/R10 (use m/g instead) (CL 9840043). |
12 cmd/cgo, cmd/go: support including C++ code with cgo (CL 8248043). | 12 cmd/cgo, cmd/go: support including C++ code with cgo (CL 8248043). |
13 cmd/go: test coverage (CL 10413044). | 13 cmd/go: test coverage (CL 10413044). |
14 | 14 |
| 15 container/heap: added Fix (CL 12265043). |
| 16 container/list: added MoveBefore and MoveAfter (CL 12021044). |
15 crypto/md5: Sum function to simplify hashing (CL10624044). | 17 crypto/md5: Sum function to simplify hashing (CL10624044). |
16 crypto/sha1: Sum function to simplify hashing (CL 10571043). | 18 crypto/sha1: Sum function to simplify hashing (CL 10571043). |
17 crypto/sha256: Sum256 and Sum224 functions to simplify hashing (CL 10629043). | 19 crypto/sha256: Sum256 and Sum224 functions to simplify hashing (CL 10629043). |
18 crypto/sha512: Sum512 and Sum384 functions to simplify hashing (CL 10630043). | 20 crypto/sha512: Sum512 and Sum384 functions to simplify hashing (CL 10630043). |
19 crypto/tls: add support for TLS 1.1. (CL 7872043). | 21 crypto/tls: add support for TLS 1.1. (CL 7872043). |
20 encoding/json: accept but correct invalid UTF-8 in Marshal (CL 11211045). | 22 encoding/json: accept but correct invalid UTF-8 in Marshal (CL 11211045). |
21 flag: add Getter interface (CL 10472043). | 23 flag: add Getter interface (CL 10472043). |
22 flag: export commandLine (now CommandLine) (CL 12587043). | 24 flag: export commandLine (now CommandLine) (CL 12587043). |
23 fmt: indexed access to arguments in Printf etc. (CL 9680043). | 25 fmt: indexed access to arguments in Printf etc. (CL 9680043). |
24 go/build: support including C++ code with cgo (CL 8248043). | 26 go/build: support including C++ code with cgo (CL 8248043). |
25 image/draw: added Drawer, FloydSteinberg and the op.Draw method (CL 10977043). | 27 image/draw: added Drawer, FloydSteinberg and the op.Draw method (CL 10977043). |
26 image/draw: added Quantizer type (CL 11148043). | 28 image/draw: added Quantizer type (CL 11148043). |
27 image/gif: added Encode and EncodeAll (CL 10896043). | 29 image/gif: added Encode and EncodeAll (CL 10896043). |
28 io: Copy prioritizes WriterTo over ReaderFrom (CL 9462044). | 30 io: Copy prioritizes WriterTo over ReaderFrom (CL 9462044). |
29 net: new build tag netgo for building a pure Go net package (CL 7100050). | 31 net: new build tag netgo for building a pure Go net package (CL 7100050). |
| 32 runtime: allow SetFinalizer with a func(interface{}) (CL 11858043). |
30 runtime: preemption of goroutines at function entry (CL 12371043). | 33 runtime: preemption of goroutines at function entry (CL 12371043). |
31 sort: new Stable function provides stable sort (CL 9612044). | 34 sort: new Stable function provides stable sort (CL 9612044). |
32 syscall: implemented Sendfile for Darwin, added Syscall9 for Darwin/amd64 (CL 10
980043). | 35 syscall: implemented Sendfile for Darwin, added Syscall9 for Darwin/amd64 (CL 10
980043). |
33 testing: AllocsPerRun is now quantized to an integer (the type is still float64)
(CL 9837049). | 36 testing: AllocsPerRun is now quantized to an integer (the type is still float64)
(CL 9837049). |
34 time: Allow Parse and Format to handle time zone offsets with seconds (CL 813204
4) | 37 time: Allow Parse and Format to handle time zone offsets with seconds (CL 813204
4) |
35 unicode: add In, a nicer-to-use but equivalent version of IsOneOf (CL 11672044). | 38 unicode: add In, a nicer-to-use but equivalent version of IsOneOf (CL 11672044). |