Freetype-Go: truetype parser initial check-in.
Parsing a malformed TTF may result in an index out-of-bounds panic,
rather than guaranteeing to return an error. This may be tightened
in the future. File example/truetype/main.go (right): example/truetype/main.go:17: var fontfile *string = flag.String("fontfile", "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/arial.ttf", "filename of the ...
14 years, 11 months ago
(2010-04-23 17:23:51 UTC)
File example/truetype/main.go (right):
example/truetype/main.go:17: var fontfile *string = flag.String("fontfile",
"/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/arial.ttf", "filename of the ttf font")
can we not use arial as the example? whatever font you use here will be the
likeliest one for people to use and therefore to deploy. i'd rather not
encourage an overused microsoft knockoff of a weak and overused font.
lucida? lucida sans? i don't know what the other options are for linux users.
example/truetype/main.go:30: fmt.Print(" on \n")
why space before newline?
File freetype/truetype/truetype.go (right):
freetype/truetype/truetype.go:20: // A GlyphIndex is a Font's encoding of a
Unicode character.
encoding doesn't seem like the right word here.
freetype/truetype/truetype.go:23: // A Bounds holds the range of one or more
glyphs. The endpoints are inclusive.
range of what? coordinates?
freetype/truetype/truetype.go:136: for i, x := 0, 14; i < segCount; i, x = i+1,
x+2 {
i think this would be clearer if x was defined outside the loops so we see it
just walks along the data. it took me a while to figure that out.
another option that might work well is to define readU16 and readU32 as methods
on a *[]byte type. you could then grab a copy of the slice into a value of that
type and just read it out. no xs or offsets or magic numbers then.
freetype/truetype/truetype.go:136: for i, x := 0, 14; i < segCount; i, x = i+1,
x+2 {
later: as i read further through the code i became confident that approach would
be good
freetype/truetype/truetype.go:360: // A Point is a co-ordinate pair plus whether
it is `on' a contour or an
don't use this style of quotes. they look crappy in many fonts. just "" is fine.
> > example/truetype/main.go:17: var fontfile *string = > flag.String("fontfile", > "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/arial.ttf", "filename of the ...
14 years, 11 months ago
(2010-04-23 17:29:20 UTC)
> example/truetype/main.go:17: var fontfile *string =
> flag.String("fontfile",
> "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/arial.ttf", "filename of the
> ttf font")
> can we not use arial as the example? whatever font you use here will be
> the likeliest one for people to use and therefore to deploy. i'd rather
> not encourage an overused microsoft knockoff of a weak and overused
> font.
> lucida? lucida sans? i don't know what the other options are for linux
> users.
Also what about non-Linux users?
It would be fine to include a copy of one or all of the Luxi fonts in
They have a non-restrictive license and are good quality
Bigelow & Holmes fonts.
I use them in Plan 9 from User Space because I can't
distribute the Lucida fonts.
Russ File example/truetype/main.go (right): example/truetype/main.go:17: var fontfile *string = flag.String("fontfile", "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/arial.ttf", "filename of the ...
14 years, 11 months ago
(2010-04-29 01:58:14 UTC)
File example/truetype/main.go (right):
example/truetype/main.go:17: var fontfile *string = flag.String("fontfile",
"/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/arial.ttf", "filename of the ttf font")
On 2010/04/23 17:23:51, r wrote:
> can we not use arial as the example? whatever font you use here will be the
> likeliest one for people to use and therefore to deploy. i'd rather not
> encourage an overused microsoft knockoff of a weak and overused font.
> lucida? lucida sans? i don't know what the other options are for linux users.
Changed from Arial to the included Luxi fonts.
example/truetype/main.go:30: fmt.Print(" on \n")
On 2010/04/23 17:23:51, r wrote:
> why space before newline?
Typo. Fixed.
File freetype/truetype/truetype.go (right):
freetype/truetype/truetype.go:20: // A GlyphIndex is a Font's encoding of a
Unicode character.
On 2010/04/23 17:23:51, r wrote:
> encoding doesn't seem like the right word here.
I've changed "encoding" to "index", and the type from GlyphIndex to just Index.
freetype/truetype/truetype.go:23: // A Bounds holds the range of one or more
glyphs. The endpoints are inclusive.
On 2010/04/23 17:23:51, r wrote:
> range of what? coordinates?
freetype/truetype/truetype.go:136: for i, x := 0, 14; i < segCount; i, x = i+1,
x+2 {
On 2010/04/23 17:23:51, r wrote:
> later: as i read further through the code i became confident that approach
> be good
This segment has been rewritten to use read16Slice. I think it is much clearer.
freetype/truetype/truetype.go:360: // A Point is a co-ordinate pair plus whether
it is `on' a contour or an
On 2010/04/23 17:23:51, r wrote:
> don't use this style of quotes. they look crappy in many fonts. just "" is
> > freetype/truetype/truetype.go:360: // A Point is a co-ordinate pair plus > whether it ...
14 years, 11 months ago
(2010-04-29 02:43:45 UTC)
> freetype/truetype/truetype.go:360: // A Point is a co-ordinate pair plus
> whether it is `on' a contour or an
> On 2010/04/23 17:23:51, r wrote:
>> don't use this style of quotes. they look crappy in many fonts. just
> "" is fine.
Sorry to contradict, but please do use `` '' in doc comments.
They get turned into nice quotation marks in the HTML output
and could get turned into " " if necessary in the text output. is an example.
Russ File example/truetype/main.go (right): example/truetype/main.go:17: var fontfile *string = flag.String("fontfile", "../../luxi-fonts/luxisr.ttf", "filename of the ...
14 years, 11 months ago
(2010-04-30 01:12:09 UTC)
File example/truetype/main.go (right):
example/truetype/main.go:17: var fontfile *string = flag.String("fontfile",
"../../luxi-fonts/luxisr.ttf", "filename of the ttf font")
On 2010/04/30 00:15:17, r wrote:
> s/\*string //
File freetype/truetype/truetype.go (right):
freetype/truetype/truetype.go:21: // An Index is a Font's index of a Unicode
On 2010/04/30 00:15:17, r wrote:
> s/character/code point/ ? i'm actually not sure
I've gone with "code point".
freetype/truetype/truetype.go:163: readU16Slice(f.cmapOffset,
On 2010/04/30 00:15:17, r wrote:
> this is better and fine if you really want it this way but i would have used a
> few read methods on the slice. the offsets in this code could be handled
> completely automatically.
> similarly with almost all the other slice offset stuff in this program.
I'll leave it as is. If I get the itch I might try it your way and send out a
change if it looks better.
On 2010/05/02 15:38:43, r wrote: > LGTM but i still think you should try my ...
14 years, 11 months ago
(2010-05-03 14:42:34 UTC)
On 2010/05/02 15:38:43, r wrote:
> LGTM but i still think you should try my suggestion with methods on a slice
> for the unpacking.
Done. PTAL.
(Russ' comments are also all Done.)
Issue 940044: code review 940044: Freetype-Go: truetype parser initial check-in.
Created 14 years, 11 months ago by nigeltao
Modified 14 years, 11 months ago
Base URL:
Comments: 26