LGTM On Mar 24, 2010, at 4:56 PM, rsc@golang.org wrote: > Reviewers: r, > > ...
14 years, 12 months ago
(2010-03-24 23:58:05 UTC)
On Mar 24, 2010, at 4:56 PM, rsc@golang.org wrote:
> Reviewers: r,
> Message:
> Hello r,
> I'd like you to review this change.
> Description:
> import fortunes from plan 9 and add one of our own
> Please review this at http://codereview.appspot.com/744041/show
> Affected files:
> M lib/fortunes
> Index: lib/fortunes
> ===================================================================
> --- a/lib/fortunes
> +++ b/lib/fortunes
> @@ -4215,3 +4215,46 @@
> 2008-06-18 00:00:37: [650] DEBUG: msg 5 not interesting
> Your IP address is: <? echo getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); ?>. By continuing
> to browse this website, you agree to the following terms.
> /* dummy = malloc(0); *//* prepare for garbage-collection */
> +You chose to apply Shadow Ram extend feature, while you knew it was
> risky. If the system hangs during boot, please restart the system
> and come here to change the setting.
> +An amateur thinks it's really funny if you dress a man up as an old
> lady, put him in a wheelchair, and give the wheelchair a push that
> sends it spinning down a slope towards a stone wall. For a pro, it's
> got to be a real old lady. - Groucho Marx.
> +Error Code: -2147483648
> +Pardon the abruptness of this letter; it is due to its exigency.
> +The source of the money is legal and authoritative.
> +Please note that I do not intend to waste my time and yours.
> +The Internet is still a fascination to me.
> +Sometimes one needs to take chances.
> +#define MIG_ARRAY_TOO_LARGE -307 /* array not large enough */
> +If you cannot read this, reply. Otherwise, disregard. - Pietro
> Gagliardi
> +"Come _on_. I'm not that subtle a 'baiter,' or... am I?" - Eris
> Discordia: "You're a master baiter." - Skip Tavakkolian
> +Your Real Estate Building Service request has been completed. Your
> service request number 110738516 - DEAD MOUSE IN GLUE TRAP - 2C501
> was completed on 10/07/2008.
> +Your Real Estate Building Service request has been completed. Your
> service request number 110740079 - Remove Squirrel - 2C-516 was
> completed on 10/21/2008.
> +Sorry but there is no description for this item ... (less)
> +Sorry but there is no description for this item ... (more)
> +The problem is there's no data to fake yet. - Noah Evans
> +`You could pound nails with [the Motorola StarTAC] and it still
> worked. This phone is like that: you could set it on fire, and
> you'd still get your e-mail.'
> +Cookies! Thanks NFS Anonymous Access User!
> +Closing this window will terminate the running processes: login,
> bash, acme, acme, devdraw, 9pserve, win, win, win, win, win, win,
> win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win.
> +"Transitive trust is metastable." - Brucee on the banking crisis in
> 2008
> +Your Real Estate Building Service request has been completed. Your
> service request number 110746368 - 2C523, BIRD FLYING AROUND IN
> CORRIDOR,MH was completed on 12/22/2008.
> +There is no organization (dept/cost center) in Lucent Technologies
> whose name matches "convenience"!
> + buf[0] = '\0'; /* make sure it's empty (silly 3b2) */
> + #ifndef bool /* Linux 2.6.19 C++ nightmare */
> +slashdot: the consensus of the ill-informed - brucee
> +"People aren't wearing enough hats" - Truism from brucee
> +to kill the postman that delivered this email to you press here
> +A Man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford
> to let alone. -Thoreau
> +Just getting something to happen might be training, but it sure
> isn't education. -Brian L Stuart
> +This page has an unspecified potential security flaw. Would you
> like to continue?
> +Comeau C/C++ beta: Now in our 22nd year!
> +size: q.out not an a.out
> +Sharing your DNA hasn't been this exciting since the good old days.
> - Genealogy.com
> +*WASH_Eyes_outWith_soap*
> +-rwxr-xr-x 1 rae rae 141307906 Nov 10 16:55 arm-2009q3-67-arm-none-
> linux-gnueabi.bin # shell script
> +Beam to 1.04TeV... Lost due to tune drifting [sh*t!]... Tunes for
> beam 1 were different when we returned to injection energy (no
> precycle)... Trimmed and incorporated... Ramped 2 beams, all the way
> to 1.18TeV !!
> +anguish up -1 days, 00:00:01
> +People admire complexity. - Rob Pike
> +Due to a technical error with the distribution of Ottawa Newsbreak,
> you may have received the newsletter this morning. Please accept
> our apologies.
> +DON'T throw lefts of coffee, tea or chocolate milk into this
> recipient! Thank you.
> +You tried to access the address opera:crossdomainerror, which is
> currently unavailable. Please make sure that the Web address (URL)
> is correctly spelled and punctuated, then try reloading the page.
> +./home/gri/go1/doc/test.go:3:1: expected declaration, found 'IDENT'
> notwithstanding
Issue 744041: code review 744041: import fortunes from plan 9 and add one of our own
Created 14 years, 12 months ago by rsc
Modified 14 years, 12 months ago
Base URL:
Comments: 0