While this is a test issue, the attached diff is a crude first draft of a
patched upload.py that makes linking to the Python Tracker a bit easier.
Here's the command line and output:
$ python static/upload.py -R 400608 -F msg32813
Upload server: [...]
Loaded authentication cookies [...]
Issue created. URL: http://codereview.appspot.com/25073
Uploading base file for static/upload.py
And the help is:
$ python static/upload.py -h | tail -n5
Link options:
Python tracker issue number to link with.
Tracker file or message to fetch description from.
I like it :)
This is specific to the Python tracker, which Rietveld tries to avoid. You
could maintain this as a locally modified version, but a better approach would
be to make just enough changes to upload.py itself so that you can write the
rest of this script as a *wrapper* around upload.py. That's how the Chrome
people manage their workflow, and that's a generally recommended approach: the
wrapper does the project-specific stuff, passing everything to upload.py for the
actual interaction with Rietveld.
PS. What do you mean by "wish we could expunge the deleted ones"? If you delete
a Rietveld issue it is really gone. If you merely close it, you can still
delete it later. But I'm probably missing something.
Issue 25073: [issue400608] just testing
Created 16 years ago by ajaksu
Modified 16 years ago
Reviewers: GvR
Base URL: http://rietveld.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/
Comments: 0