DescriptionI'm working on Ubuntu Hardy. Your mileage may vary on other platforms. :)
Everything compiles with this patch. The link currently fails with:
+ g++ algorithm.o bind.o chrono.o condition_variable.o exception.o hash.o ios.o iostream.o locale.o memory.o mutex.o new.o random.o stdexcept.o strstream.o system_error.o thread.o typeinfo.o utility.o valarray.o -fPIC -o -shared -nodefaultlibs -Wl,-soname, -lstdc++ -lc
exception.o:([typeinfo for std::bad_exception]+0x0): undefined reference to `vtable for __cxxabiv1::__si_class_type_info'
ios.o:([typeinfo for std::__1::__iostream_category]+0x0): undefined reference to `vtable for __cxxabiv1::__si_class_type_info'
ios.o:([typeinfo for std::__1::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::__1::char_traits<wchar_t> >]+0x0): undefined reference to `vtable for __cxxabiv1::__si_class_type_info'
ios.o:([typeinfo for std::__1::basic_ios<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> >]+0x0): undefined reference to `vtable for __cxxabiv1::__si_class_type_info'
ios.o:([typeinfo for std::__1::ios_base::failure]+0x0): undefined reference to `vtable for __cxxabiv1::__si_class_type_info'
iostream.o:([typeinfo for std::__1::__stdinbuf<char>]+0x0): more undefined references to `vtable for __cxxabiv1::__si_class_type_info' follow
/usr/bin/ld: hidden symbol `vtable for __cxxabiv1::__si_class_type_info' isn't defined
/usr/bin/ld: final link failed: Nonrepresentable section on output
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
None of the tests have been tested.
Patch Set 1 #Patch Set 2 : Progress #Patch Set 3 : Everything compiles; link fails #Patch Set 4 : s/OSAtomic/__sync/g #
MessagesTotal messages: 4