Freetype-Go: new freetype package to provide a convenience API to
draw text onto an image.
This is a simple API that doesn't handle line breaking, ligatures,
right-to-left or vertical scripts, and other fancy features. File freetype/freetype.go (right): freetype/freetype.go:6: // The freetype package provides a convenience API to ...
14 years, 10 months ago
(2010-05-12 20:08:56 UTC)
#3 File freetype/freetype.go (right): freetype/freetype.go:6: // The freetype package provides a convenience API to ...
14 years, 10 months ago
(2010-05-13 01:30:14 UTC)
File freetype/freetype.go (right):
freetype/freetype.go:6: // The freetype package provides a convenience API to
draw text onto an image.
On 2010/05/12 20:08:56, r wrote:
> s/convenience/convenient/
freetype/freetype.go:19: // co-ordinate pair measured in raster.Fixed units.
On 2010/05/12 20:08:56, r wrote:
> again this spelling. i don't mind it (much); just be sure to be consistent
It is now consistently "co-ordinate".
freetype/freetype.go:24: // An RGBAContext knows how to draw text from a given
font at a given size
On 2010/05/12 20:08:56, r wrote:
> it's inanimate. it doesn't know anything.
> An RGBAContext holds the state for drawing text from a given font at a given
> size.
freetype/freetype.go:26: type RGBAContext struct {
On 2010/05/12 20:08:56, r wrote:
> i'm not thrilled with having a context. what does it buy you?
I think context isn't a great name, but I don't know what else to call it, and I
do want to have something that holds all this state. Are you suggesting instead
to do away with the struct and pass a bunch of extra args to DrawText?
freetype/freetype.go:30: glyph *truetype.Glyph
On 2010/05/12 20:08:56, r wrote:
> it feels wrong to me that the glyph should be part of the context
Perhaps the Glyph type is poorly named. It's really some buffers that gets
re-used for each glyph to draw, rather than allocating a new Glyph each time.
How about s/truetype.Glyph/truetype.GlyphBuf/ ? The C Freetype library might
call this thing a GlyphSlot, but I might be confusing that with another concept,
and would have to double-check.
freetype/freetype.go:38: // rasterizer space.
On 2010/05/12 20:08:56, r wrote:
> this comment doesn't explain the sign of xmin and ymin. compare it to the next
> comment.
I've added, "xmin and ymin are typically non-positive." Is that what you were
freetype/freetype.go:58: // FUnitToFixed converts the given number of FUnits
into fixed point units,
On 2010/05/12 20:08:56, r wrote:
> s/Fixed/FixedRD
freetype/freetype.go:64: // FUnitToFixed converts the given number of FUnits
into fixed point units,
On 2010/05/12 20:08:56, r wrote:
> s//FixedRU/
freetype/freetype.go:67: return raster.Fixed((x*c.scale + 255) >> 8)
On 2010/05/12 20:08:56, r wrote:
> guaranteed never negative?
There is no guarantee if x itself is negative.
freetype/freetype.go:73: return raster.Fixed(x * float(c.dpi) * 256.0 / 72.0)
On 2010/05/12 20:08:56, r wrote:
> is it worth parenthesizing the constant division? guarantee we avoid a
freetype/freetype.go:123: // DrawText draws s with the top-left of the text at
On 2010/05/12 20:08:56, r wrote:
> you need to be much more explicit about what this means. compare drawing "."
> with "T"
freetype/freetype.go:185: ymax := int((c.FUnitToFixedRU(c.upe-int(b.YMin)) +
255) >> 8)
On 2010/05/12 20:08:56, r wrote:
> these lines argue that you may have the return type wrong
You're right. I've changed them to convert to pixel units instead of Fixed
units. It's much nicer.
freetype/freetype.go:190: // SetColor sets the color to draw text with.
On 2010/05/12 20:08:56, r wrote:
> s/ with/
freetype/freetype.go:195: // SetDPI sets the screen resolution in Dots Per Inch.
On 2010/05/12 20:08:56, r wrote:
> caps unnecessary
freetype/freetype.go:201: // SetFont sets the font.
On 2010/05/12 20:08:56, r wrote:
> this and the next one need more explanation
I'm not sure what else to add.
I've also removed the SetFontBytes method and instead added a ParseFont function
at the top of this file.
File freetype/raster/raster.go (right):
freetype/raster/raster.go:55: // A cell is part of a linked list (for a given yi
co-ordinate) of accumulated
On 2010/05/12 20:08:56, r wrote:
> why change the spelling?
It's for consistency: "co-ordinate" is spelled with a dash everywhere else in
*** Submitted as *** Freetype-Go: new freetype package to provide a convenience API to ...
14 years, 10 months ago
(2010-05-14 03:30:34 UTC)
On 13 May 2010 14:21, <> wrote: > i still have reservations about the context ...
14 years, 10 months ago
(2010-05-18 07:53:10 UTC)
On 13 May 2010 14:21, <> wrote:
> i still have reservations about the context idea but without a
> counterproposal we might as well move on
Just a thought: rename Context to Canvas.
Issue 1121045: code review 1121045: Freetype-Go: new freetype package to provide a convenie...
Created 14 years, 10 months ago by nigeltao
Modified 14 years, 10 months ago
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Comments: 34