While writing this I discovered that the introduction of GrSingleTextureEffect caused the premul code in ...
12 years, 6 months ago
(2012-08-20 18:24:47 UTC)
While writing this I discovered that the introduction of GrSingleTextureEffect
caused the premul code in the shader to never get inserted. Thus, we are always
falling back to SW conversion because our canPreserveReadWriteUnpremulPixels()
test fails. This change doesn't address that issue. It will be fixed as part of
the change that moves the premul/unpremul conversion code generation to a custom
This moves somewhat in the wrong direction (adding state to GrDrawState and
GrSamplerState) but this change makes it cleaner to capture the conversions in a
GrCustomStage, at which point the new state will be removed.
Issue 6460113: remove _UPM_ GrPixelConfigs
Created 12 years, 6 months ago by bsalomon
Modified 12 years, 6 months ago
Reviewers: robertphillips
Base URL: http://skia.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/
Comments: 6