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Issue 6428065: massive gpu baseline (Closed)

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12 years, 1 month ago by bsalomon
12 years, 1 month ago
epoger, TomH
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Patch Set 1 #

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A gm/base-linux/aaclip_msaa16.png View Binary file 0 comments Download
A gm/base-linux/aarectmodes_msaa16.png View Binary file 0 comments Download
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A gm/base-linux/getpostextpath_msaa16.png View Binary file 0 comments Download
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A gm/base-linux/giantbitmap_mirror_gpu.png View Binary file 0 comments Download
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A gm/base-linux/giantbitmap_mirror_point_rotate_msaa16.png View Binary file 0 comments Download
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A gm/base-linux/giantbitmap_repeat_gpu.png View Binary file 0 comments Download
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A gm/base-linux/hittestpath_msaa16.png View Binary file 0 comments Download
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A gm/base-linux/path-reverse_msaa16.png View Binary file 0 comments Download
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A gm/base-linux/poly2poly_msaa16.png View Binary file 0 comments Download
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Total messages: 4
This adds every msaa16 and gpu baseline that is missing on win, macmini, macmini-lion, and ...
12 years, 1 month ago (2012-07-20 21:27:29 UTC) #1
Perfunctory LGTM, and sympathy.
12 years, 1 month ago (2012-07-20 21:29:52 UTC) #2
12 years, 1 month ago (2012-07-24 17:56:25 UTC) #3
12 years, 1 month ago (2012-07-24 17:58:15 UTC) #4
Closed with r4706.
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