It's not perfect but I think it's a good time to have checkpoint. It's hidden ...
12 years, 8 months ago
(2012-06-27 21:28:26 UTC)
It's not perfect but I think it's a good time to have checkpoint. It's hidden
behind a compile flag that defaults to 0 (and there is a gyp var to toggle it).
The big remaining issues are:
1) We leak paths because there seems to be a driver bug with delete (documented
in comments). Once this is in I'll loop in NV so they can take a look.
2) All paths get drawn with AA even if they are supposed to be non-AA. Drawing
with MSAA disabled doesn't seem to work so I always enable it. I think this is a
driver bug but I have to do a bit more testing and check the spec again.
3) The filltypes_persp slide draws incorrectly. I'm haven't looked into this
4) On some slides with inverted path fills and the complex clip option enabled
in SampleApp I see incorrect drawing on top of the clip. I haven't investigated
this yet.
I can show you the skdiff of a full GM run with and without this change for the
"msaa16" config.
LGTM modulo some questions and nits File gyp/gpu.gyp (right): gyp/gpu.gyp:212: '../src/gpu/GrAAConvexPathRenderer.h', Possible name ...
12 years, 8 months ago
(2012-06-27 22:45:03 UTC)
#2 File src/gpu/GrGpu.cpp (right): src/gpu/GrGpu.cpp:444: It makes sense to me now - I think ...
12 years, 8 months ago
(2012-06-28 12:48:42 UTC)
Issue 6349049: NV path rendering
Created 12 years, 8 months ago by bsalomon
Modified 12 years, 8 months ago
Reviewers: robertphillips
Base URL:
Comments: 24