Can you please review this tiny patch?
While testing ASan with "-j" I've noticed that intermediate test failures are
very hard to notice.
I think it's good to have an explicit green light sign at the end of "make test"
r149990, thanks!
On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 6:32 AM, <timurrrr@google.com> wrote:
> Reviewers: kcc1,
> Message:
> Hi,
> Can you please review this tiny patch?
> While testing ASan with "-j" I've noticed that intermediate test
> failures are very hard to notice.
> I think it's good to have an explicit green light sign at the end of
> "make test"
> Thanks,
> Timur
> Please review this at
> Affected files:
> M Makefile.old
> Index: Makefile.old
> ==============================**==============================**=======
> --- Makefile.old (revision 149985)
> +++ Makefile.old (working copy)
> @@ -205,6 +205,7 @@
> all: b64 b32
> test: t64 t32 output_tests lint
> + @echo "ALL TESTS PASSED"
> output_tests: b32 b64
> cd tests && ./test_output.sh $(CLANG_CXX) $(CLANG_CC)
Issue 5645045: Explicitly say that everything is OK at the end of the 'test' rule
Created 13 years ago by timurrrr_at_google_com
Modified 12 years, 11 months ago
Reviewers: kcc1
Base URL: http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/compiler-rt/trunk/lib/asan/
Comments: 0