Today we have two ways of specifying colors to a GrDrawTarget draw:
1. Set constant color on GrDrawState
2. per-vertex-colors specified in vertex layout
where 2) overrides 1). For coverage we support per-vertex values but have to way
to specify a constant coverage. We'll want constant coverage when rendering
hairlines that are thinner than 1 pixel (today we tweak the alpha value which is
incompatible with some xfermodes).
This adds a constant coverage on GrDrawState.
Minor bug? Fix that and LGTM. File src/gpu/GrDrawState.h (right): src/gpu/GrDrawState.h:134: * to 1 ...
Issue 5543052: add constant coverage
Created 13 years ago by bsalomon
Modified 13 years ago
Reviewers: TomH
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Comments: 2