Note that I get some pixel mismatches against these baselines when I run on my ...
13 years, 2 months ago
(2011-12-05 16:17:01 UTC)
Note that I get some pixel mismatches against these baselines when I run on my
MacPro. Maybe some/all of my mismatches are due to system settings? If so,
what are those system settings so I can add them to the README?
~/src/skia/white/trunk$ out/Debug/gm -r gm/base-macpro
reading from gm/base-macpro
drawing... lcdtext [640 480]
----- pixel mismatch for lcdtext_8888 at [154 7] base 0xFFFEFEFE current
----- pixel mismatch for lcdtext_gpu at [155 7] base 0xFFEEFBFF current
drawing... hairmodes [640 480]
drawing... gradtext [500 480]
----- pixel mismatch for gradtext_8888 at [44 74] base 0xFF001D0B current
drawing... emptypath [600 280]
----- pixel mismatch for emptypath_8888 at [92 7] base 0xFFFEFEFE current
----- pixel mismatch for emptypath_gpu at [93 8] base 0xFF89B1DC current
Issue 5448108: Add README file for base-macpro baseline images
Created 13 years, 2 months ago by epoger
Modified 13 years, 2 months ago
Reviewers: reed1
Base URL:
Comments: 0