This prints every character with its shorthand, but works bad because of '\t', '\v' and ...
13 years, 9 months ago
(2011-05-23 10:38:44 UTC)
This prints every character with its shorthand, but works bad because of '\t',
'\v' and '\n' :
\version "2.15.0"
\include ""
#(define-markup-list-command (show-special-characters layout props) ()
(interpret-markup-list layout props
(map (lambda (pair)
(markup #:fill-line (
'(replacement-string-max-length . 0)
(car pair)
(car pair)
\markuplines \show-special-characters
On May 23, 2011, at 12:38 PM, wrote: > This prints every character with ...
13 years, 9 months ago
(2011-05-23 10:57:01 UTC)
On May 23, 2011, at 12:38 PM, wrote:
> This prints every character with its shorthand, but works bad because of
> '\t', '\v' and '\n' :
> \version "2.15.0"
> \include ""
> #(define-markup-list-command (show-special-characters layout props) ()
> (interpret-markup-list layout props
> (map (lambda (pair)
> (markup #:fill-line (
> #:null
> #:override
> '(replacement-string-max-length . 0)
> (car pair)
> (car pair)
> #:null)))
> special-characters-alist)))
> \markuplines \show-special-characters
Good work!
A couple things :
(1) If I want to write "\emdash is a command in lilypond", that won't work (I
think) with this patch. You need to create either a ("\\\\" . "\\") special
character or another workaround for the backslash.
(2) For ligatures that arrive at the end of the word like in some German texts,
you'll need to figure out where the ligature falls in the word. Writing a
single exception to do this in C++ is easy, but if ligatures are any hairier
than this (i.e. if in Nabakov's Zemblan there is an ie ligature except after c),
then you'd be better off porting the whole thing to Scheme and doing it via
regular expressions or some other sorta text replacement algorithm. The added
advantage of this is that users can specify their own rules.
(3) Newbs will invariably learn about this feature, want to use it, and then
complain that the ligature they want is in a different font than Century
Schoolbook in the PDF. Perhaps lilypond should issue a warning if a character
is found in a font that is not the one you currently have selected like
"Warning: Charater `foo' found, but not in the current font."
(1) You can do it using \override #'(replacement-string-max-length . 0) But I agree, there's a ...
13 years, 9 months ago
(2011-05-23 11:08:48 UTC)
(1) You can do it using \override #'(replacement-string-max-length . 0)
But I agree, there's a problem with backslashes.
(2) What if we define something like "\tz" when we want 'ꜩ' and just write "tz"
when no ligature is needed ? This isn' t so constraining.
(3) I know, this is another change to be done. And when this patch will be
pushed, I'll take time to add a doc entry.
On May 23, 2011, at 1:08 PM, wrote: > (1) You can do it ...
13 years, 9 months ago
(2011-05-23 11:14:04 UTC)
On May 23, 2011, at 1:08 PM, wrote:
> (1) You can do it using \override #'(replacement-string-max-length . 0)
> But I agree, there's a problem with backslashes.
I am the worst person in the world for advice on the most straightforward way to
do something...I'll let others chime in on how to solve this problem. You may
want to note as well in the docs that if someone puts:
\markup { \italic { foo \emdash bar } }
Lilypond will think \emdash is a function. They'd need to do: \markup { \italic
{ foo "\emdash" bar } }
> (2) What if we define something like "\tz" when we want 'ꜩ' and just
> write "tz" when no ligature is needed ? This isn' t so constraining.
This sounds like a good idea!
> (3) I know, this is another change to be done. And when this patch will
> be pushed, I'll take time to add a doc entry.
Good stuff.
Mike File ly/ (right): ly/ #(define special-characters-alist Is there any (public) command to add ...
13 years, 9 months ago
(2011-05-23 11:49:04 UTC)
Response to Reinhold and Carl's concerns. File lily/ (right): lily/ int max_length = ...
13 years, 9 months ago
(2011-05-23 21:32:26 UTC)
Response to Reinhold and Carl's concerns.
File lily/ (right):
lily/ int max_length = scm_to_int (ly_chain_assoc_get
(ly_symbol2scm ("replacement-string-max-length"),
It is needed line 50.
This can be inferred from "replacement-alist".
But with this property we can disable every shorthand or just those longer than
File ly/ (right):
ly/ #(define special-characters-alist
@Reinhold :
Of course, otherwise it would be seriously annoying :o)
It is called "additional-replacement" in ly/
There is an example in the regression test.
@Carl :
I agree for the .scm file.
Why do you think it is going in the wrong direction ?
The main issue I see is that it makes the syntax messy.
This can easily be improved:
see the following response to Reinhold.
ly/ ("\nbhyphen" . "‑")
No, because '\' is sometimes an escape character (in '\t', '\n' and '\v').
\markup "\n" si the same as (markup "\n")
whereas \markup "\g (or anything else)" that means (markup "\\g").
This is why there's only one backslash on the lines you commented.
There's also other problems with this use of the backslash :
as Mike reported, \markup { \solidus } or \lyricmode { \solidus } won't work.
LilyPond will interpret \solidus as being a markup command.
And this will be hard for the user to understand the difference between a
command and an alias.
That's why I suggest this : use another escape character for these special
characters. Do you think '@' is a good idea?
Beside this, I will introduce this idea of "alias" in the doc.
Do you agree ?
ly/ ("_" . " ") ; thinspace
No, but there's '\_' line 55.
If I remember well, thinspace is '~' in LaTeX.
But the tilde is also used for tied-lyrics...
A better idea would be welcome !
ly/ ("\\OE" . "Œ")
Yes, the replacement always takes the longest string found.
For these characters, I just copied LaTeX since I don't use them (except æ and œ
who already have a shortcut in linux's french keyboard).
But LaTeX may be wrong for this.
The international community will have to improve and complete this table.
Another detail : every character in this alist is defined in Century Schoolbook.
On 5/23/11 3:32 PM, "" <> wrote: > > lily/ int max_length = scm_to_int ...
13 years, 9 months ago
(2011-05-23 21:54:53 UTC)
On 5/23/11 3:32 PM, ""
<> wrote:
> lily/ int max_length = scm_to_int
> (ly_chain_assoc_get (ly_symbol2scm ("replacement-string-max-length"),
> It is needed line 50.
> This can be inferred from "replacement-alist".
> But with this property we can disable every shorthand or just those
> longer than replacement-string-max-length.
The ideas of disabling shorthands by the length of the replacement string
seems very hackish to me. It seems unlikely to me that I would ever decide
which replacement strings to disable by the length.
To disable all replacement strings, we should have something like the
following functionality
#(define default-string-replacement-alist '(; This would be your list
to enable replacements:
\override TextScript #'replacement-alist =
to disable replacements:
\override TextScript #'replacement-alist = #'()_
> @Carl :
> I agree for the .scm file.
> Why do you think it is going in the wrong direction ?
Because we are making up our own syntax for characters that are already
defined as UTF characters. We should avoid making up syntax if at all
For the ligatures, I'm supportive; we don't have a text processor that will
automatically handle ligatures.
For the special characters like trademark, and super2, we should just have
them inserted into the file as UTF characters, IMO.
I don't think we should be trying to (for example) handle TeX input in
LilyPond strings. I see that as a maintenance pain in the neck.
We're moving in the direction (if we're not there already) of correctly
handling UTF text. Why not just let the person who wants to use UTF text do
so? What is the advantage to typing \\aa instead of å?
Yes. Knowing this, I suggest we keep whitespaces, punctuation, quotes and word dividers (with some ...
13 years, 9 months ago
(2011-05-23 22:15:38 UTC)
Knowing this, I suggest we keep whitespaces, punctuation, quotes and word
dividers (with some small changes).
There's still something that bothers me : isn't there some special characters
that you can't do with you keyboard ?
Even on linux I can't type some symbols like ſ or • without copying/pasting.
So, to your question "What is the advantage to typing \\aa instead of å?" I
answer "I don't have any key for this".
On 2011/05/23 22:15:38, Bertrand Bordage wrote: > Yes. > Knowing this, I suggest we keep ...
13 years, 9 months ago
(2011-05-23 22:34:53 UTC)
On 2011/05/23 22:15:38, Bertrand Bordage wrote:
> Yes.
> Knowing this, I suggest we keep whitespaces, punctuation, quotes and word
> dividers (with some small changes).
> There's still something that bothers me : isn't there some special characters
> that you can't do with you keyboard ?
> Even on linux I can't type some symbols like ſ or • without copying/pasting.
> So, to your question "What is the advantage to typing \\aa instead of å?" I
> answer "I don't have any key for this".
See the Wikipedia entry on Unicode input for ways to get characters that aren't
on your keyboard:
...definitely not user-friendly! I totally agree it's better to type in UTF and that's what ...
13 years, 9 months ago
(2011-05-23 23:11:33 UTC)
...definitely not user-friendly!
I totally agree it's better to type in UTF and that's what I always did with
LilyPond. But this REALLY wastes time when we type several symbols and
Making this easier should be the OS's job.
I'll think more about this and make another patch set.
On 2011/05/23 23:11:33, Bertrand Bordage wrote: > Making this easier should be the OS's job. ...
13 years, 9 months ago
(2011-05-23 23:28:02 UTC)
On 2011/05/23 23:11:33, Bertrand Bordage wrote:
> Making this easier should be the OS's job.
Yes, I agree. That's why I'm not in favor of making it part of LilyPond for us
to maintain.
Having the facility to do the general substitution as part of LilyPond is fine,
Having the list of all the Unicode characters is not a good idea. Having that
list as an LSR snippet would be OK. That way it's not part of the contract we
have with users to maintain it.
New patch set with Carl's ideas. I don't know if replacement-alist should be defined by ...
13 years, 9 months ago
(2011-06-03 11:11:57 UTC)
New patch set with Carl's ideas.
I don't know if replacement-alist should be defined by default.
Nor if '&' is a good escape character. I chose it because it's quicker to type
on a french keyboard than '@'.
Philosophically, utf-8 is the One True Way, but I am sympathetic to laxy typists. On ...
13 years, 9 months ago
(2011-06-03 18:42:23 UTC)
Philosophically, utf-8 is the One True Way, but I am sympathetic to laxy
On 2011/06/03 11:11:57, Bertrand Bordage wrote:
> I don't know if replacement-alist should be defined by default.
The shorter the default list, the fewer surprises.
The keys should not include any possibly-desired input.
> Nor if '&' is a good escape character.
It is reasonable, but draw from an existing string-replacement set like HTML and
use the closing ;.
Then we will be less-likely confused when I reference a&s records (or when you
reference r&s records) in a markup on a score.
Patch LGTM. I still have concerns about maintaining a list of ascii definitions for UTF-8 ...
13 years, 9 months ago
(2011-06-07 03:34:43 UTC)
Patch LGTM. I still have concerns about maintaining a list of ascii
definitions for UTF-8 characters, as described in the comments.
File input/regression/ (right):
input/regression/ #(define-markup-list-command
(show-special-characters layout props) ()
If we're going to do this, this code should be added to the appendices of the
Notation Reference, so it will be included in the documentation. I don't really
think it should be part of the regression test suite, but I could be convinced
File scm/output-lib.scm (right):
scm/output-lib.scm:958: ; Punctuation
I'm still not convinced that we should get in the business of defining these
ascii-based characters instead of using UTF-8 directly as part of the core
lilypond distribution. But if nobody else is opposed to it then I will not
maintain my objection and I will agree with the patch.
I have *no* objections to including the functionality with whitespace defined in
the default-string-replacement-alist, and having an LSR snippet with additional
replacements. File input/regression/ (right): input/regression/ #(define-markup-list-command (show-special-characters layout props) () It was a way ...
13 years, 9 months ago
(2011-06-07 09:45:12 UTC)
13 years, 9 months ago
(2011-06-07 09:53:26 UTC)
File scm/output-lib.scm (right):
scm/output-lib.scm:958: ; Punctuation
On 2011/06/07 09:45:12, Bertrand Bordage wrote:
> I understand your concerns and I'm a little embarrassed to introduce a new
> syntax for the risk of disrupting the users understanding. But it also lacks a
> lot of people.
> In the list, I added the characters which are not allocated in the French
> keyboard (except the ellipsis, the non-breaking space and the dashes).
> It does bother me however to remove this list.
It may be worth testing this out on multiple platforms - I've sometimes had
difficulty opening up my .ly files on Windows machines if they contain special
characters. To what extent is UTF-8 easy to work with outside of a posix
In general, one way to work this into LilyPond may be to include the basic
functionality, send the string-replacement-alist out to lilypond-user, and see
to what extent people desire to use it. I've done this for a couple things and
been able to scrap/add functionalities accordingly. If it seems like it's
something that many people would want to use, then it should probably be part of
the distro.
A replacement function for text is a very good idea, and would be very useful. ...
13 years, 9 months ago
(2011-06-07 20:19:56 UTC)
A replacement function for text is a very good idea, and would be very useful.
General comments:
A regtest for lyrics might be missing.
The current implementation of replacement function, in the C++ part, need some
An alternate design might be:
Define in the guile part the replacement function. The C++ code would just call
that function on the string. By default, the replacement function could do
exactly the job that is done in current LilyPond version (replacing line feeds,
etc, by spaces).
Another replacement function would be proposed, doing the work you propose here,
e.g. compiling and applying a regexp, instead of manually implementing the
replacement (in a possibly less efficient way than the built-in would do).
And a \useTheFancyTextReplacementThing switch could select the later replacement
(just brainstorming)
If the second replacement function has not much impact on performances, it may
even be the default.
File input/regression/ (right):
(additional-replacements text-font-defaults
The interface for adding replacements/shortcuts seems a bit complicated.
Maybe a function call modifying text-font-defaults behind the scene would be
#(add-text-replacements! '(...))
File lily/ (right):
lily/ for (int j = 0; j < scm_to_int (scm_length
(replacement_alist)); j++)
This is not the way to loop over a list: the idiom can be found many times in
the C++ code. scm_length and scm_list_ref are O(n).
What's more, at this point the `str' argument is not yet used. So maybe this
could be cached to avoid being computed again each time.
lily/ str->replace (i, j, ligature);
We see three embedded loops: while, for, and a call to ly_assoc_get... The
previous add only one loop.
What is the impact on performance, wrt to current version?
Have you considered compiling (and caching) a regexp and use the appropriate
builtin function which will do all the replacement work?
Or maybe... get this remplacement part out of C++ code, and define in the scheme
part a replacement function, that will be called here. A default replacement
function might do the \n, \t \v replacement alone (as on current version). An
other replacement function would be proposed which does more complicated things.
LGTM. You could add a .ly file that defined a more comprehensive set of special ...
13 years, 8 months ago
(2011-07-19 19:19:03 UTC)
You could add a .ly file that defined a more comprehensive set of special
characters as an optional item that the user includes with \include. That would
allow its use without requiring its use.
A new file in ly with definitions using "add-text-replacements!"? Like this? germanHTML = #(add-text-replacements! '(("&ss;" ...
13 years, 8 months ago
(2011-07-19 20:22:49 UTC)
A new file in ly with definitions using "add-text-replacements!"?
Like this?
germanHTML = #(add-text-replacements! '(("&ss;" . "ß")
englishLaTeX = [...]
This way, users can easily stack special characters with this syntax:
\paper {
Besides, I made some performance tests.
With a big replacement alist, building Nicolas Sceaux's huge Atys takes 0.7s
more than without it.
I updated the patch. There's now a list of special characters and a \replace command ...
13 years, 7 months ago
(2011-07-31 17:41:21 UTC)
I updated the patch.
There's now a list of special characters and a \replace command for markups.
The escape character is now '§'. It's the only one that works great with
lyrics. And it isn't used elsewhere in LilyPond's syntax.
The syntax for using the list of special characters
#(include-special-characters) is a bit ackward but I didn't found anything
On 7/31/11 11:41 AM, "" <> wrote: > I updated the patch. > > There's ...
13 years, 7 months ago
(2011-07-31 22:37:42 UTC)
On 7/31/11 11:41 AM, ""
<> wrote:
> I updated the patch.
> There's now a list of special characters and a \replace command for
> markups.
> The escape character is now '§'. It's the only one that works great
> with lyrics. And it isn't used elsewhere in LilyPond's syntax.
This escape is not available on US keyboards, so it's as much work to use
the escape character as to put in the UTF character directly. For me, as a
US user, that seems to negate the purpose for the patch.
What was the problem with the previous escape characters?
On 2011/09/16 21:31:25, J_lowe wrote: > Hello, passes make but fails make check > Sorry ...
13 years, 6 months ago
(2011-09-16 21:34:37 UTC)
On 2011/09/16 21:31:25, J_lowe wrote:
> Hello, passes make but fails make check
Sorry ignore this, I just realised I made a mistake in my make check. I'll redo
Hey Bertrand, Could you show an example, in the regtest, of how one would write: ...
13 years, 5 months ago
(2011-09-20 05:22:16 UTC)
Hey Bertrand,
Could you show an example, in the regtest, of how one would write:
(or whatever) such that – appeared (meaning the string "–" - not the
replacement n-dash).
Hey! I'm currently writing a doc entry that explains how to use replacements. I have ...
13 years, 5 months ago
(2011-09-20 10:18:41 UTC)
I'm currently writing a doc entry that explains how to use replacements. I have
a few questions:
Where do you think I should put it? In NR 1.8.1 or 1.8.2?
Do you think I have to move the table from the regtest to the Appendix A (and
keep the rest of the regtest as a regtest)?
PS: I'm also writing a changelog entry.
On 2011/09/20 10:18:41, Bertrand Bordage wrote: > Hey! > > I'm currently writing a doc ...
13 years, 5 months ago
(2011-09-20 12:07:31 UTC)
On 2011/09/20 10:18:41, Bertrand Bordage wrote:
> Hey!
> I'm currently writing a doc entry that explains how to use replacements. I
> a few questions:
> Where do you think I should put it? In NR 1.8.1 or 1.8.2?
Hmm.. I'd say 3.3.3 actually
1.8.x are how to format text (bold italic etc) not to use special chars which
this seems to be and which NR 3.3.3 is all about.
> Do you think I have to move the table from the regtest to the Appendix A (and
> keep the rest of the regtest as a regtest)?
I am not experienced enough to answer this, but which Appendix A did you intend?
A new one or add to an existing as I cannot see where this would be appropriate.
> Bertrand
> PS: I'm also writing a changelog entry.
On 2011/09/20 12:07:31, J_lowe wrote: > > Where do you think I should put it? ...
13 years, 5 months ago
(2011-09-20 12:11:46 UTC)
On 2011/09/20 12:07:31, J_lowe wrote:
> > Where do you think I should put it? In NR 1.8.1 or 1.8.2?
> Hmm.. I'd say 3.3.3 actually
Oh, yes! This is better.
> > Do you think I have to move the table from the regtest to the Appendix A
> > keep the rest of the regtest as a regtest)?
> I am not experienced enough to answer this, but which Appendix A did you
> A new one or add to an existing as I cannot see where this would be
In a new one called "Special characters", just after "Text markup list
A few comments following a quick look at the doc changes Trevor File Documentation/notation/input.itely ...
13 years, 5 months ago
(2011-09-20 16:54:08 UTC)
Hmm, I don't understand one comment, but I agree with the others. Thanks, Bertrand ...
13 years, 5 months ago
(2011-09-20 17:09:47 UTC)
13 years, 5 months ago
(2011-09-20 21:14:45 UTC)
File Documentation/notation/input.itely (right):
Documentation/notation/input.itely:1636: @end lilypond
On 2011/09/20 17:09:48, Bertrand Bordage wrote:
> What do you mean?
See comments 25 and 26.
If this works (I presume it does):
germanHTML = #(add-text-replacements! '(("&ss;" . "ß")
frenchLigatures = [...]
\paper {
it would be good to use this form in the snippet and
comment that the definitions can be placed in ly files
which can be \included.
<> Tuesday, September 20, 2011 11:18 AM > Do you think I have to move ...
13 years, 5 months ago
(2011-09-20 22:08:56 UTC)
Tuesday, September 20, 2011 11:18 AM
> Do you think I have to move the table from the regtest to the
> Appendix A
> (and keep the rest of the regtest as a regtest)?
Yes. Between the current A10 and A11 looks a good place.
No virus found in this message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 10.0.1410 / Virus Database: 1520/3908 - Release Date: 09/20/11 File Documentation/notation/notation-appendices.itely (right): Documentation/notation/notation-appendices.itely:909: @example blank line before @example and after @end example ...
13 years, 5 months ago
(2011-09-20 22:37:37 UTC)
Thanks a lot, Neil. Could you have a last look at the Scheme files? I'm ...
13 years, 5 months ago
(2011-09-21 22:13:12 UTC)
Thanks a lot, Neil.
Could you have a last look at the Scheme files?
I'm not sure of the indentation.
I created a new scm/text.scm file for the definitions I couldn't put elsewhere.
Issue 4553056: New alist to replace special characters.
Created 13 years, 9 months ago by Bertrand Bordage
Modified 13 years, 5 months ago
Reviewers: Trevor Daniels,, Graham Percival (old account), Neil Puttock
Base URL:
Comments: 74