Descriptionstrings: new SplitQuoted() function
SplitQuoted() splits a string taking quotes and escaping
into consideration, in a way equivalent to how a shell
would do it. E.g.:
`a b:"c d" 'e''f' "g\""`
Would be parsed as:
[]string{"a", "b:c d", "ef", `g"`}
Patch Set 1 #Patch Set 2 : code review 4051041: strings: new SplitQuoted() function #Patch Set 3 : code review 4051041: strings: new SplitQuoted() function #Patch Set 4 : code review 4051041: strings: new SplitQuoted() function #Patch Set 5 : code review 4051041: strings: new SplitQuoted() function #MessagesTotal messages: 6