Descriptionstrconv.Ftoa: fixes a precision error
Ftoa64(float64(0.09), 'f', 1) should return "0.1", but returns "0.0"
With this changeset this is fixed, but now Atof64("4e-324") returns 5e-324 and not 0 as it used to.
printf("%.1g", 4e-324); prints 5e-324 in gcc 4.4.3 (glibc 2.10.1).
Fixes issue 822.
Patch Set 1 : code review 1442041: strconv.Ftoa: fixes a precision error #
Total comments: 4
Patch Set 2 : code review 1442041: strconv.Ftoa: fixes a precision error #Patch Set 3 : code review 1442041: strconv.Ftoa: fixes a precision error #Patch Set 4 : code review 1442041: strconv.Ftoa: fixes a precision error #
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